(A)   Any request for a Planned Area Development (PAD) zoning district or for modification or change in an approved PD zoning district shall be made pursuant to this section.
   (B)   General purpose. A Planned Area Development (PAD) is intended to allow an applicant maximum flexibility in exchange for a more creative approach to land planning and building design that could not be achieved through strict adherence to the terms of this code. PADs may be approved pursuant to the procedure and approval criteria in § 152.090.
   (C)   Applicability.
      (1)   A PAD District shall conform to the general plan, all regulations pertaining to land development within this code, the subdivision regulations and all other rules, regulations, specifications and standards set forth in all other applicable city codes, unless specific deviations are approved by the City Council during the PAD approval process.
      (2)   The area for a PAD shall consist of a single parcel of land or a contiguous group of parcels with a combined minimum size of five acres.
   (D)   Standards eligible for modification. Unless otherwise expressly modified as part of the PAD approval process, PADs shall utilize the base zoning districts and all applicable standards established in this code to regulate all proposed uses and development. The City Council is authorized to approve PADs that deviate from strict compliance with specified standards if they determine that the resulting development satisfies the approval criteria of division (E) below. The PAD standards may be more or less restrictive than those in the code. PAD zoning may be used to:
      (1)   Specify the location of base zoning districts and define standards for the modification of these locations within the specified PAD area.
      (2)   Define which uses permitted by right or by conditional use permit within a base zoning district (as specified in Tables 2.2-1, 2.3-1, 2.4-1, and 2.5-1) will be permitted within said PAD zoning districts. PAD zoning districts may not include uses that are not permitted within a base zoning district but may modify or define standards for the operation and performance of permitted uses within PAD zoning districts.
      (3)   Define development standards pertaining to the size, dimensions, height, lot coverage, placement, or setback of uses. However, the total number of dwelling units in a PAD plan shall not exceed the maximum number permitted by the general plan density for the total area of the PAD designated for residential use.
      (4)   Specify the location, extent, and design standards for open space, landscaping, amenities, screening, buffers, and signage.
      (5)   Specify the location and design of public/private streets, drives, parking, pedestrian, and bikeways.
      (6)   Specify the timing, sequencing, and phasing of development, including coordinating the type, location, and intensity of development permitted with the construction and availability of public facilities and services.
      (7)   Provide for the construction of public improvements and facilities onsite or within public easements and rights-of-way abutting the site as required to serve and benefit development within the PAD area or as may be required to mitigate impacts resulting from the development on other properties and uses outside of the PAD area.
   (E)   Approval criteria.
      (1)   Before approving a preliminary PAD, the Commission will ensure that the application meets the following standards:
         (a)   Conformance to the general plan. The development must conform with the objectives of the general plan.
         (b)   Balance and integration with the neighborhood. The design shall be integrated and compatible with the neighborhood and shall strive to be in harmony with the scale and bulk of surrounding properties.
         (c)   Adequacy of street network. The proposed streets are suitable and adequate to carry anticipated traffic and that the density will not generate traffic in such amounts to overload the street network outside of the PAD area.
         (d)   Adequacy of infrastructure. The impact created by the development can be accommodated by the existing infrastructure system (police and fire protection, parks, schools, water supply, sanitary sewer, solid waste disposal, etc.)
         (e)   Relationship to physical features. The location of buildings and structures shall respect the natural terrain of the site and shall be functionally integrated with any natural features of the landscape to include the preservation of views and vistas.
         (f)   Environmental impacts. Management of environmental impacts, including drainage, soils, and archaeological.
         (g)   Upon approval through § 152.090, the preliminary PAD shall be placed on file in the Planning Department pending approval of the final PAD.
      (2)   (a)   Application for final PAD approval shall follow the requirements of § 152.090 process and contain the following:
            1.   Final legal documents specifying control of common areas;
            2.   If applicable, a plat of the property as required by the general development and subdivision regulations of the city and plan of required documents; and
            3.   If applicable, assurance of construction and completion of required public and private improvements in the form as specified in § 413 of the General Development and Subdivision Regulations of the city.
         (b)   The final development plan shall include any changes, alterations, additions or deletions requested by the Planning Commission and/or City Council in its grant of Preliminary PAD approval. Except for these modifications, the final PAD shall not deviate from the approved Preliminary PAD.
(Ord. 648-18, passed 11-28-2018; Ord. 703-23, passed 3-22-2023)