94.01 Air quality, declaration of policy
94.02 Definitions
94.03 Unlawful to sell or burn unseasoned fuel
94.04 Regulation of new solid fuel-burning approved devices; required
94.05 Limitation on number of solid fuel and non-solid fuel-burning devices in residential buildings
94.06 Elimination of nonconforming solid fuel-burning devices in existing dwelling units
94.07 Limitation on number of solid fuel-burning devices in commercial construction
94.08 Investigation and compliance
94.09 Appeals; Building Board of Appeals
94.10 Burning of coal prohibited
94.11 Permit required for installation of solid fuel-burning device
94.12 Fee
94.13 Application to install solid fuel-burning device
94.14 Unlawful to install, sell or operate
94.15 Nuisance; injunction