(A) For the purpose of this code, unless the content clearly indicates the contrary, the following words, phrases, and terms shall have the following meanings:
(1) Use categories. Use categories classify land uses and activities into categories based on common functional, product, or physical characteristics. Characteristics include the type and amount of activity, the type of customers or residents, how goods or services are sold or delivered and site conditions. The use categories provide a systematic basis for organizing and assigning present and future land uses into appropriate zoning districts.
(2) Specific use type. Specific uses are assigned to the category that most closely describes the activity of the specific use. Specific uses shall be considered based on common characteristics and not on what a specific use is called. For example, a use called "Wholesale Warehouse" that sells clothes to retail consumers on any scale is included in the "Retail, General" use rather than "Wholesale Establishment" use since the actual activity matches the use description of Retail, General.
(3) Developments with multiple specific uses. When all principal uses of a development fall within one specific use, the entire development is assigned that use. A development that contains a clothing store, bookstore and bakery, for example, would be categorized as a Retail, General use type since all the specific uses are in that use. When the specific uses fall into different use types, each use is classified independently into it's applicable use and subject to all applicable regulations for each specific use.
ABUT, ABUTTING, CONTIGUOUS. To share, border or physically touch a common property boundary or right-of-way.
ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE. A parking space that meets the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
ACCESSORY BUILDING/STRUCTURE. A secondary detached building or structure situated on the same lot or building site, the use of which is incidental to that of a main building, with or without utilities.
ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT. A dwelling unit on the same lot with the principal dwelling unit structure or use which includes any structure or portion of a structure, other than the principal structure or use, wherein kitchenette and sanitation facilities are also provided.
ACCESSORY USE. A use of land and/or building or portion thereof secondary to the principal use of the land and/or building and located on the same lot.
ADJACENT/ADJOINING. The condition of being near to or close to but not necessarily having a common dividing line. Two properties which are separated by only a street or alley shall be considered as adjacent to one another.
ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS. Any business establishment where employees, independent contractors or patrons expose specified anatomical areas or engage in or simulate specified sexual activities, or any business establishment which offers to its patrons services or entertainment distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matters depicting, exposing, describing, discussing, or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas. The businesses may include, but are not limited to, Adult Live Entertaining Establishment, Adult Only Massage Establishment, Adult Theater, or Adult Retail Establishment such as:
(1) Adult Book Store. A commercial establishment having for sale or viewing by patrons on its premise a substantial and significant portion of its stock in trade, books, magazines and other periodicals or printed matter principally characterized by their emphasis on matters depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
(2) Adult Cinema. An enclosed building or open-air theater used on a regular basis for presenting for observation by customers pictorial material or other visual images by direct or indirect projections, or through coin or slug operated or electronically or mechanically controlled still or motion picture, videotape machines or other image-producing devices maintained to show images or material, a predominance of which is principally distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on the depiction of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas, in return for the exchange of any form of consideration, irrespective of the number of patrons who may be able to view the presentation at any one time.
(3) Adult Hotel/Motel. A hotel or motel which provides as a predominant part of its major business the presentation of material for viewing by patrons in exchange for any form of consideration or gratuity material which is predominantly distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matters depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas and which rents its facilities on an hourly or less than daily basis.
(4) Cabaret. A nightclub, theater or other enterprise which features as a predominant component of its business live performances by topless and/or bottomless dancers, male or female strippers, or other similar exotic entertainers, where the performances are predominantly distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on specified sexual activities or features a less than complete and opaque covering of specified anatomical areas.
AGRIBUSINESS, ENTERTAINMENT FARMING. A commercial, service and/or industrial use operated primarily for the direct support of agricultural activities that may consist of agricultural equipment rental and sales; the storage, warehousing, distribution and wholesaling of agricultural products; agricultural research, development, management and maintenance services conducted primarily within an office; agri-entertainment, such as pick-your-own operations, pumpkin patches, corn mazes, agricultural festivals and educational activities; and other similar agriculture related uses.
AGRICULTURE, GENERAL. The use of land for agricultural purposes, where growing and harvesting activities associated with horticulture, floriculture, viticulture, apiaries, aviaries along with necessary accessory uses (greenhouses, incidental raising of agricultural animals, or the storage of agricultural related equipment used on the premises and temporary storage of agricultural products used and/or produced on the premise) takes place; provided, however, that the operation of any such accessory use shall be secondary to the principal agricultural activities. General Agriculture uses may or may not be owner-occupied and may utilize employees who are not owners or family. This use does not include: dairies, commercial animal breeding, concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO), slaughter and meat packing plants, or fertilizer yards.
AIRPORT HAZARD. Any structure or object, man-made and/or natural growth, located on or in the vicinity of an airport; or any use of land or electronic equipment near such airport which obstructs the air space required for, or is otherwise hazardous to, the flight of aircraft in landing or take-off at such airport.
AIRPORT MASTER PLAN. The master plan for the municipal airport as adopted from time to time by the Airport Board and/or City Council.
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, RETAIL SALES. A retail establishment, such as a liquor store, licensed to sell alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, and liquor. No on-site consumption is allowed.
ALLEY. A minor way (public or private) that is used primarily for vehicular access to the back or side of properties otherwise abutting a street.
ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SYSTEM. An alternative method of collecting electricity primarily intended to augment on-site electricity consumption, such as solar panels and wind turbines, but does not include utility scale (major) facilities like, but not limited to, wind farms or solar generating facilities.
ANIMAL H0SPITAL/VETERINARIAN. A facility used by licensed veterinarians to provide medical services and/or general hygienic services to animals. Does not include general overnight boarding or kenneling of animals not under medical care.
ANIMAL KENNEL/SHELTER. A place where four or more dogs over the age of three months are boarded, bred, or offered for sale or accepts and/or seizes domestic animals to board them overnight, care for them, placing them through adoption, or assist with law enforcement. A zoo, pet store, veterinary clinic, animal hospital, and animal husbandry are not considered a kennel.
ANTENNA. Any device on a tower, building or structure that emits and/or receives electromagnetic waves for the purpose of communicating and transmitting and receiving information.
APPLICANT. Any person applying for any permit or decision governed or required by this chapter.
ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE. The design and/or construction technique and elements or combination of elements that are the character-defining features of a structure.
AREA, GROSS. The land area (acres/square feet) within the boundaries of a parcel or lot, including all non-dedicated private streets or alleys, and any type of dedicated easements.
AREA, NET. The land area (acres/square feet) within the boundaries of a parcel or lot, excluding all dedicated public street rights-of-way and any type of dedicated easements.
ASSEMBLY HALL/AUDITORIUM/CONFERENCE CENTER. A structure designed to facilitate organized short-term events such as weddings, receptions, and conferences. Accessory uses may include meeting rooms, kitchen facilities, parking, and childcare provided for patrons. Schools associated with assembly uses are not an accessory use.
ASSEMBLY, LIGHT. An establishment engaged in the on-site assembly of goods. No manufacturing of parts occurs. Goods are shipped to establishment, assembled, packaged, and reshipped. Assembly and packaging involves only the use of hand tools or domestic mechanical equipment not exceeding two horsepower or a single kiln not exceeding eight kilowatts. Typical light assembly uses include ceramic studios and custom jewelry manufacturing.
ASSISTED LIVING CENTER/HOME. A residential care facility that provides resident rooms for housing and caring for the ambulatory, aged or infirm; other than a nursing home, group home, or hospital; licensed by the Arizona State Department of Health Services for more than ten persons in a facility. Care givers are constantly present and may (or may not) reside on site. Facilities typically include common kitchen and dining areas but may contain individual resident kitchenettes.
ATTACHMENT, ATTACHED, ATTACH. Accessory structures or dwellings connected to another structure by a common wall, breezeway, beam, vertical concrete structure or similar that physically attaches/adjoins both structures.
ATTENTION GETTING DEVICE. A device designed and intended to attract attention by noise and/or a sudden, intermittent or rhythmic movement, physical change or lighting change, such as banners, flags, streamers, balloons, propellers, whirligigs, search lights and flashing lights.
AUTOMOBILE/BOAT REPAIR, MAJOR. Repair of automobiles, boats, trucks, motorcycles, motor homes, and recreational vehicles, including the sale, installation, and servicing of related equipment and parts, generally on an overnight basis. This classification includes auto/boat engine repair shops; body, hull and fender shops, transmission shops, restoration, refurbishing, but excludes auto/boat dismantling or salvaging and tire re-treading or recapping.
AUTOMOBILE/BOAT REPAIR, MINOR. This definition is the same as MAJOR except this use only allows minor repairs and no overnight parking of vehicles where this service typically includes quickservice oil, tune-up, wheel and brake shops, muffler shops, auto glass services, propeller service, battery replacement and tire sales and installation, where repairs are made or service provided in enclosed bays. This classification excludes major engine repair, body, hull and fender work, vehicle/boat painting, or towing, repair of heavy trucks, construction vehicles, or boats exceeding nine feet wide by 30 feet long.
AUTO WRECKING AND SALVAGE YARD. Any lot upon which two or more motor vehicles are incapable of being operated due to condition or lack of license or registration, have been placed for the purpose of obtaining parts for recycling or resale.
BAR, LOUNGE, OR TAVERN. A facility used primarily for the sale or dispensing and on-site consumption of alcoholic beverages by the drink, which may or may not serve food. Any similar type of facility that does not meet the definition of a restaurant shall be considered a bar, lounge, or tavern.
BASIN, DETENTION/RETENTION FACILITY. Detention temporarily stores surface runoff and releases it at a controlled rate through a positive outlet, while retention stores surface runoff that is eventually infiltrated into the ground and/or naturally evaporated.
BOARDING/SHELTER CARE. A facility where rooms are provided or rented/leased to persons on a transient basis, which excludes hotels/motels, group homes, resident care homes, assisted living facilities, nursing homes, dormitories, substance abuse detoxification centers or treatment centers.
BREWERY or DISTILLERY. A facility for the brewing/distilling and wholesale distribution of beer or other distilled alcoholic beverages produced onsite, subject to state licensing.
BUFFER. A landscaped area intended to separate and partially obstruct the view of two adjacent land uses or properties from one another.
BUILDABLE AREA. That portion of a lot upon when construction is permitted, consisting of the area which lies within the boundaries of the front, side and rear yard setback requirements.
BUILDING/STRUCTURE. A building or structure having one or more stories and a roof, designed primarily for the shelter, support, or enclosure or persons, animals, or property or any structure permanently affixed to the ground or building. This shall include tents, awnings or vehicles situated on private property and used for the purposes of a building or permanent in-ground swimming pools, fences, or any other permanently affixed above-ground or below-ground structure.
BUILDING FACADE. An exterior building elevation.
BUILDING PERMIT. A permit issued by the city that is required for the construction, demolition, modification, enlargement, or moving of any building, structure or use in the city.
BUILDING, PRINCIPAL. A building which contains the principal use of the lot on which it stands. In any residential zone, dwellings shall be deemed to be the principal building on the lot.
CALIPER. The diameter of the tree trunk measured six inches above the immediate ground level.
CAMPGROUND. A parcel with two or more campsites available for rent to the general public, which may also include recreational vehicles, cabins, or tents as temporary recreational living quarters.
CANOPY/AWNING. A cloth, fabric or metal covered overhang with a metal framework which projects from a wall or roof of a structure over a window, walk, door or similar for protection from the elements that is typically supported by a structure or the ground.
CARPORT. A roofed structure for parking or storage of motor vehicles, open on two or more sides.
CAR WASH. A facility designed/used for rinsing, cleaning and drying automobiles, providing either self-serve facilities or employees to perform such services.
CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. A document issued by the Director or designee allowing the occupancy or use of a building which certifies the structure has been constructed and/or will be used in compliance with all applicable city codes.
CHANGE OF USE. Any use which differs or changes from the previous principal or accessory use of a building or land.
CHANNEL LETTER. Individual letters applied singly to form a building mounted or freestanding sign. Channel letters may be illuminated or non-illuminated.
CHILD CARE, CENTER. Any state certified facility in which care and supervision for five or more children is regularly provided for compensation for periods of less than 24 hours per day. This classification includes nursery schools, preschools, day care for children or adults, and any other non-residential licensed day care facility.
CHILD/ADULT DAY CARE HOME. A state certified facility, the primary use of which is a residence, in which child care for not less than five children and not more than ten children through the age of 12 or adult day care for at least five and not more than ten adults is regularly provided for compensation for periods of less than 24 hours per day. The following are not a Day Care, Home; an assisted living facility, group care home, or day care home occupation.
CIRCULATION AREA. That portion of the vehicle accommodation area used for access to parking or loading areas or other facilities on the lot. Essentially it includes driveways and other maneuvering areas but not parking spaces.
CITY. The City of Page, Arizona.
CLINIC. An establishment where patient care is administered on an out-patient basis by one or more licensed physicians and/or dentists and their professional associates.
COFFEE SHOPS/CAFES. Establishments that primarily serve nonalcoholic beverages and/or specialty foods or snacks for consumption on or near the premises.
COLLOCATE or COLLOCATION. To allow the same or competing cell providers to collocate their equipment on their, or on another provider’s existing structure or other authority's utility pole.
COLOR CORRELATED TEMPERATURE (CCT). The temperature of an object (blackbody radiator) in degrees Kelvin that gives the most similar color (spectral) distribution. Higher CCT usually shifts frequency to the blue. The CCT value of lamps is now usually included in all packaging.
COMMERCIAL ENTERTAINMENT, INDOOR. A business that regularly hosts or conducts indoor entertainment on their premises for public entertainment as part of their business practices, including concert halls, performance theatres, stadiums, and other similar indoor entertainment uses.
COMMERCIAL ENTERTAINMENT, OUTDOOR. A large open or partially enclosed space or private business that is regularly used for the public outdoor entertainment, with accessory uses which may include restaurants, bars, concessions, parking, and maintenance facilities.
COMMERCIAL VEHICLE. Any vehicle currently registered as such with any state Department of Motor Vehicles which is used primarily for business purposes as opposed to private or individual use.
COMMON AREA. Land in a residential development held in common and/or single ownership and not reserved for the exclusive use or benefit of an individual tenant or owner.
COMMON OWNERSHIP. Ownership by one or more individuals under any type of ownership.
COMPATIBLE. The use of land and/or a structure that is capable of existing in harmony with other structures or uses of land adjacent to, or in proximity of the land use or structure in question.
CONDITIONAL USE. A use permitted in a particular zoning district after it has been approved through the conditional use permit process that complies with all required conditions for the location or operation of such use as specified in this chapter.
CORRECTIONAL TRANSITIONAL HOUSE. A supervised dwelling unit where individuals who are completing a sentence, reside for a defined period of time for counseling, job placement assistance, and similar services that assist in transitioning from institutional to community living.
COUNCIL. The City Council for the City of Page, Arizona.
COUNTY. Coconino County, State of Arizona.
CREMATORIUM or FUNERAL PARLOR. A facility containing properly installed and certified apparatus intended for cremation, or for the preparation of the deceased for burial and display and any associated rituals conducted prior to burial or cremation, including permanent storage of cremated remains.
CURB CUT. A dip in a sidewalk and curb that enables vehicles to drive to a house, business, garage, parking lot, loading dock or drive-through, in compliance with ADA Standards for the disabled.
CUL-DE-SAC. A local street, one end of which is closed and consists of a circular turn around.
DAY CARE, HOME OCCUPATION. A permanent residential unit where an occupant provides day care and supervision for no more than four children or adults not residing in the household, whether or not for compensation. The following uses are not a home occupation day care use: group home; day care; home and day care center.
DECK. A projecting non-enclosed house extension located less than eight feet above the ground.
DEDICATION. The designation of land by its owner(s) for any general or public use.
DENSITY. The total number of dwelling units and undeveloped lots divided by the gross area (acres) unless otherwise stated.
DEVELOPER. A person or other legal entity who desires to improve or otherwise engage in any development of property within the city.
DEVELOPMENT. Any manmade change to real property, including but not limited to mining, excavation, grading, construction, conversion, or enlargement of the site or any structure on the site.
DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. An agreement between the city and any person having a legal or equitable interest in real property for the development of such property which complies with the applicable provisions of the Arizona Revised Statutes for such agreements.
DEVELOPMENT PLAN. A plan submitted for approval by the city pursuant to the city zoning ordinance. Such plan shall describe with reasonable certainty the density, intensity of use and development standards for the parcel or parcels associated with a planned area development.
DIRECTOR/PLANNING DIRECTOR. The Director of the Planning and Zoning Department.
DISABILITY. With respect to an individual: (a) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities of such individual; (b) a record of such an impairment; or (c) being regarded as having such an impairment. For purposes of this definition, a qualified individual with a disability shall not include an individual who is currently engaging in the illegal use of drugs, when the covered entity acts on the basis of such use, except as provided in 42 U.S.C. § 12210. The term "illegal use of drugs" means the use of drugs, the possession or distribution of which is unlawful under the Controlled Substances Act, 21 U.S.C. § 812. Such term does not include the use of a drug taken under supervision by a licensed health care professional, or other uses authorized by the Controlled Substances Act or other provisions of federal law. The term Disability shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with the definition of disability in the Americans with Disabilities Amendment Act of 2008.
DORMITORY. A building used as group living quarters for students, a religious order, or other groups as an associated use to a college, boarding school, convent, or other similar use. Dormitories do not include independent kitchen facilities.
DRIVEWAY. The improved surface that provides ingress and egress to a public street or alley from a house, business or other use or structure.
DUPLEX. A building which contains two dwelling units attached by a common vertical party wall designed for occupancy and permanent living quarters for two individuals or families.
DWELLING, LIVE/WORK. A combined site built dwelling unit and working space, occupied and utilized by a single individual or family in either a detached dwelling unit located behind the principal workplace or a unified structure that has been designed or structurally modified to accommodate joint residential occupancy and work activity in compliance with all applicable planning, zoning and building codes; and the working space is reserved for and regularly used by one or more occupants.
DWELLING, MANUFACTURED HOME. A factory built dwelling unit, certified as a manufactured home (Red Tag) that is transportable in one or more sections and assembled on site, that is at least eight feet wide and 32 feet long that is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling unit, with or without a permanent foundation, when connected to on-site utilities, and that was constructed in accordance with the National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 and Title VI of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974.
DWELLING, MOBILE HOME. A single contained dwelling unit built on or after June 15, 1976, in accordance with the National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 and Title VI of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974.
DWELLING, MODULAR HOME. A factory-built and inspected residential dwelling unit certified as a modular home (Blue Tag), excluding mobile homes and manufactured homes. Such housing is certified as meeting the state and local building codes as applicable to modular housing and shall be considered equivalent to a site built dwelling unit which requires substantial assembly on site. Also referred to as "factory built" in Department of Building, Fire and Safety Rules, State of Arizona.
DWELLING, MULTI-FAMILY. A single building containing three or more individual and separate dwelling units on an individual lot for occupancy by individuals or families living independently of each other where the building and land are under single ownership and dwelling units are rented or leased. Within a condominium, ownership consists of the airspace within a unit and the building(s), open spaces and common areas and all land within the development is under common ownership.
DWELLING, ACCESSORY SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED. A stand-alone accessory dwelling unit designed for use by one individual or family, located on a single lot, and sharing no walls with other dwelling units.
DWELLING UNIT. A single unit providing complete independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation.
EASEMENT. Is a right to use a portion of the land of another for a special purpose or public use such as, by way of example, vehicular or transportation access, drainage, or public utilities, including prescriptive easements on private property.
EFFECTIVE DATE. The date on which this chapter, a permit or other approval becomes enforceable or otherwise takes effect, rather than the date it was approved, signed or circulated.
ELECTRONIC MESSAGE CENTER. A sign that uses computer-generated or electronic components to change advertising copy, messages or color, including signs that flip or rotate.
ELEVATION. The vertical distance above or below a fixed reference level, such as sea level, or a flat scale drawing of the front, rear or side of a building or structure.
EMPLOYEE/CONTRACTOR QUARTERS. A group dwelling facility located in one or more buildings occupied on a temporary basis by workers (only) not from the immediate area who are employed in the area for specific purposes (such as seasonal recreation, agricultural, construction services, or similar activities) and for a defined period of time. This does not include hotels, motels, mobile homes, manufactured homes, a manufactured home park, a campground, or a recreational vehicle park as defined and regulated herein.
ENCROACHMENT. A right of access or entry agreed upon by the property owner or mandated by the city, state or federal government.
ERECTED. Built, constructed, altered, moved upon; any physical activities on a site that requires construction, excavation, fill, drainage and the like, is considered erected.
EXCAVATION. Removal or recovery by any means of soil, rocks, minerals, or organic substances other than vegetation from water or land from beneath the land surface whether exposed or submerged.
EXISTING/NATURAL GRADE/ELEVATION. The height of ground before excavating or filling.
EXISTING USE. The use of a lot or structure at the time of enactment of this code.
EXPANSION/ENLARGEMENT. The process of becoming greater in size, number, or amount.
EXTERIOR DISPLAY. Materials and items for sale in conjunction with a retail business that are displayed outside or underneath a canopy for more than 24 hours and which are not stored within a building. This does not include outside vending machines or architectural props or decorations.
EXTERIOR WALL. Any wall that defines the exterior boundaries of a building or structure.
FAA. An acronym for the Federal Aviation Administration.
FABRICATION. Means to construct or assemble from diverse and usually standardized parts.
FACADE. The entire building front including the parapet.
FAMILY. One or more persons living together as a single housekeeping unit, in a dwelling unit.
FENCE. An artificially constructed barrier of any materials approved by this chapter erected to enclose or screen areas of land.
FINANCIAL INSTITUTION. An institution that provides banking, lending, or similar financial services to persons and businesses. This definition does not include non-chartered financial institutions.
FINISHED GRADE. The final grade and elevation of the ground surface after grading is completed and in conformance with the approved grading plans.
FITNESS AND SPORTS CENTER. A facility primarily featuring equipment for exercise and other active sports and physical fitness facilities, such as swimming, skating, racquet sports, aerobic dance, gymnasium facilities, indoor soccer, yoga, and other similar activities.
FLAG. A fabric sheet of square, rectangular or triangular shape which is hung from a flagpole.
FLEA MARKET/SWAP MEET. An indoor or outdoor premises where the main use is the sale of new or used household goods, personal effects, tools, art work, appliances, and similar merchandise, objects, or equipment in small quantities, in stalls, lots, parcels, or in bulk, for the use, sale or consumption by the immediate purchaser in a building, open air, or partly enclosed booths or stalls not within a wholly enclosed building. This definition does not include temporary retail sidewalk sales, garage sales, estate sales or special events.
FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM). The official map on which delineates areas of special flood hazards and risk premium zones applicable to the community.
FLOODPLAIN. Any land areas which are susceptible to being flooded.
FLOOR AREA RATIO. The numerical value obtained through dividing the gross floor area of a building or buildings by the total area of such lot or parcel of land.
FLOOR AREA, GROSS. The sums of the areas of one or more floors of a building, including basements, attics, and penthouses, as measured from the exterior faces of the walls for each floor of each building. It does not include cellars, unenclosed porches, or attics not used for human occupancy, or any floor space in accessory buildings or in the main building intended and designed for the parking of motor vehicles or any such floor space intended and designed for accessory heating and ventilating equipment. It shall include the horizontal area at each floor level devoted to stairwells and elevator shafts.
FLOOR AREA, NET. The total of all interior useable floor areas of a building measured from the interior face of interior walls, excluding stairwells and elevators shafts, unenclosed porches, public corridors, public toilets, light shafts, equipment rooms and vertical equipment chases.
FORCE MAJEURE. An event that results from the elements of nature, not created by humans.
FRONTAGE. The length of the front property line of a lot or tract of land abutting a public street, road, highway, or rural right-of-way.
FRONTAGE, BUILDING. The length of the exterior building wall facing the main access street, highway or road.
GABLE. A typically triangular section of a wall created when the edges of two roof pitches intersect.
GARAGE/ESTATE SALE. A sale of household items on a residential lot and incidental to that home.
GARAGE, PRIVATE. An accessory building devoted partially or wholly to the parking or temporary storage of a motor vehicle owned by the occupants of the home on that same property.
GARAGE, SIDE ENTRY. A garage that does not directly face the street and the entrance is roughly parallel, rather than perpendicular, to the side property line.
GENERAL PERSONAL SERVICES. An establishment that provides non-medical care, advice, maintenance, repair, treatment, or similar semi-technical, technical, or experienced assistance, other than the practice of a profession and wholesale or retail sale of goods, such as: shoe repair, beauty and barber shops, tanning salons, and dry-cleaners, with or without a drive-thru.
GENERAL PLAN. The general plan of the City of Page, and all elements thereof.
GENERAL RECREATION, INDOOR. An establishment offering recreation and amusements to the public within an enclosed building. This includes arcades, bowling alleys, billiard parlors, bingo parlors, laser tag parlors, and similar types of uses.
GENERAL RECREATION, OUTDOOR. Outdoor recreational uses that are lighted or unlighted, such as amusement parks, miniature golf courses, batting cages, motocross courses, water parks or slides, and other similar types of uses.
GLARE. The sensation produced by a bright light in the visual field that is significantly brighter than that to which the eyes are adjusted, causing discomfort and/or loss in visual acuity.
GRADE, AVERAGE. The average of the finished ground level at the center of all walls of a building or measured from the sidewalk if it is within five feet of the building.
GROSS LEASABLE AREA. The total floor area designed for tenant occupancy and basements, mezzanines, and upper floors, if applicable, shown in square feet and measured from exterior wall faces.
GROUP CARE, HOME. A single dwelling unit to accommodate a group of no more than six unrelated persons, excluding staff, who do not have a disability (see "resident care home" for disabled persons), and who don't live together as a single housekeeping unit. Group home facilities may or may not be licensed. This definition shall include shelter homes for people at risk and halfway/correctional/ transitional facilities but shall not include resident care homes nor foster care homes as defined by ARS.
HARDSCAPE. That part of a building's grounds consisting of structures, such as plazas, retaining walls and sidewalks, made with materials such as concrete, asphalt and/or sidewalk pavers.
HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. Any substance depicted as being hazardous to living organisms.
HEALTH CARE/MEDICAL FACILITY OR CLINIC. The same general definition as a hospital except a heliport may not be available, and patients are not kept overnight except for emergencies.
HEAVY RENTAL, OUTDOOR. Retail establishments selling or renting construction, farm, or other heavy equipment, such as heavy construction, earth moving and large farm equipment.
HOME OCCUPATION. A commercial business conducted entirely within a dwelling or accessory structure in a residential district without any adverse impact on the residential neighborhood.
HOSPITAL. A public or private facility to primarily accommodate sick, injured or infirm persons which offers multiple medical offices and outpatient care services and overnight stays which may also include a heliport and related facilities and parking.
HOTEL or MOTEL. A facility with continuous on-site management with nine or more sleeping rooms that are intended to be occupied by guests for a fee.
IMPERVIOUS SURFACE. Any material that prevents the infiltration of stormwater into previously undeveloped pervious surfaced land. Semi-pervious surfaces shall include graveled driveways and parking areas or similar.
INDOOR STORAGE (BOAT, RV). An indoor storage facility where boats/recreational vehicles are stored for more than 72 hours.
INGRESS/EGRESS. Ingress is an access or entry, while egress is an exit.
INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES or TRADE SCHOOL. A specialized instructional establishment that provides on-site training of business, artistic, or commercial trade schools that teach various trades such as carpentry, welding, plumbing and so on. Examples include, but are not limited to, fine arts schools, computer instructional services, and driving schools.
LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLAN. A plan drawn to-scale on 24"x 36" paper showing the detailed layout of the landscaping and irrigation system, including the plants and materials to be used.
IRRIGATION SYSTEM. The underground landscape watering system comprised of pipes, fittings, valves and other applicable equipment designed and installed to keep landscaping vibrant and alive.
KITCHENETTE. An area designed and used for preparing food with a sink, refrigerator and a 110V electrical outlet for a hot plate or microwave oven.
LANDSCAPING. The combination of xeriscape vegetation such as trees, shrubs, ground cover, and other organic and inorganic materials needed to comply with the landscaping requirements defined in § 152.057 for a commercial or multi-family development. This may also include public art, water features, plazas, patios, decorative courtyards and lighting.
LATTICE TOWER. Any tower that uses three or more poles to form the base with lattice bracing to connect the poles and increase structural support for cell towers and other such uses.
LIGHTING PLAN. A plan drawn to scale on a 24"x 36" paper showing the layout and details of lighting and photo metrics, including the type and location of all materials used.
LIVESTOCK. Cattle, horses, sheep, goats, fowl and other farm/ranch animals, excluding domesticated dogs, cats, birds, fish and other household pets.
LOT. A single tract or parcel of land having frontage onto a public or private street or road right-of-way described as such, that is recorded or shall be recorded with the Coconino County Assessor's office as a survey map or by metes-and-bounds for purposes of sale, lease or separate use in a legal manner pursuant to all state, county and city requirements for the approved development and use of that property.
LOT AREA. The total area in acreage or square feet within the boundary lines of a lot.
LOT AREA, NET. The total area within the property boundaries of the lot, excluding any public or private streets or highways, but including off-street parking areas, easements and other accessory uses.
LOT COVERAGE. The total area of a lot covered by the foundation footprint of any building, accessory building, or structure, not including the roof overhang.
LOT DEPTH. The distance or averaged distance measured between front and rear property lines.
(1) The property boundary lot line between the lot and the public or private street.
(2) For comer lots fronting onto two public and/or private streets, the front property boundary lot line is between the lot and the side which has the shortest street frontage. The property owner may elect to have the front property boundary lot line be the lot line on the street side which has the longest street frontage, if approved by the Director and recorded with the Coconino County Recorder's office.
LOT LINE, REAR. The property boundary lot line generally opposite or parallel to the front lot line, except in a through or double-frontage lot. If the rear lot-line is less than ten feet long or comes to a point at the rear, said rear lot-line shall be a line not less than ten feet long, lying wholly within the lot, approximately parallel to the front property boundary line.
LOT LINE, SIDE. Any lot line other than the front or rear lot-line.
LOT WIDTH. The horizontal distance between the side lot lines, if parallel to each other. If the side property lines are not parallel, the width of the lot shall be the average of three measurements taken between the side property boundary lines at the front, middle and rear of the lot.
LOT, CORNER. A lot having public or private street frontage that intersects on two sides of the lot.
LOT, FLAG. A lot where the wider buildable area is located to the rear of the lot (the flag), and the narrow unbuildable area is located to the front and which abuts the street right-of-way (the flag pole).
LOT, INTERIOR. Any lot other than a comer lot, but including a through/double frontage lot.
LOT, THROUGH/DOUBLE FRONTAGE. A lot with street frontage on the front and the rear property boundary lines, where the front lot line is the one granted street access. The street frontage lot line denied street access is the rear property boundary line, and access to that street is prohibited.
MAINTENANCE. The repair, painting, trimming, pruning, watering and other on-going activities associated with providing an attractive site appearance and safe buildings and structures.
MANSARD. A sloped roof or roof-like facade architecturally comparable to a building wall.
MANUFACTURED HOME, PARK. A site with required improvements and utilities for the long term parking of manufactured homes, which may include services and facilities for the residents.
MANUFACTURED HOME SUBDIVISION. A subdivision designed for residential use with lots for sale where the residence is to be predominantly manufactured homes.
MANUFACTURING, HEAVY. An establishment engaged in the indoor and/or outdoor manufacture or compounding of raw materials which may include the storage of highly flammable, toxic or explosive materials needed for manufacturing. Examples include, but are not limited to: refining or initial processing of raw materials; rolling, drawing, or extruding of metals; asphalt batch plants; sawmills; meat slaughter and packing houses; and manufacture or packaging of any highly flammable, toxic and/or explosive products, and cement or cement products.
MANUFACTURING, LIGHT. An establishment engaged in the indoor manufacture, predominantly from previously prepared materials, of finished products or parts, including processing, fabrication, assembly, treatment, and packaging of such products, and sales, distribution and indoor and/or outdoor storage of such products, but excluding basic industrial processing. Examples include, but are not limited to: computer, electronics, airplane, automobile or truck assembly, remodeling, or repair; bottling works; brewery or distillery, boat building, machine or blacksmith shops; furniture or woodworking shops, metalworking or welding shops; paint shops; and printing, binding and publishing shops.
MARKET GARDEN. A lot or any portion thereof, managed and maintained by a person, for growing and harvesting, farming, or other which contributes to the production of agricultural, floricultural, or horticultural products for recreation or direct local consumption rather than commercial processing.
MARQUEE. A permanent roof-like structure or canopy of rigid materials supported by and extending from the facade of a building.
MEDICAL MARIJUANA. Means all parts of the genus cannabis whether growing or not, and the seed of such plants that may be administered to treat or alleviate a qualifying patient's debilitating medical condition or symptoms associated with the patient's debilitating medical condition.
(1) Cultivation. The process by which a person, including a caregiver or dispensary, grows a marijuana plant. A facility shall mean a building, structure or premises used for the cultivation or storage of medical marijuana that is physically separate and off-site from a medical marijuana dispensary.
(2) Dispensary. A non-profit entity defined in A.R.S. § 36-2801(11), that sells, distributes, transmits, gives, dispenses, or otherwise provides medical marijuana to qualifying patients.
(3) Infusion facility. A facility that incorporates medical marijuana (cannabis spp.) by the means of cooking, blending, or incorporation into consumable, edible or transdermal goods.
(4) Qualifying patient. A person who has been diagnosed by a physician as having a debilitating medical condition as defined in A.R.S. § 36-2801-13.
(1) Microbrewery or Craft Distillery. A facility for the brewing of beer or distilling of alcohol for onsite consumption as well as wholesale and retail sale, subject to state licensing requirements. Food and/or other alcoholic beverages may also be served.
(2) Tasting Room. A facility for alcoholic beverage tasting and retail sales of related merchandise to customers who are physically present at the tasting room, subject to state licensing requirements.
MODIFICATION/ALTERATION. Any modification that changes the exterior architectural appearance or materials of a structure or object. Alteration includes changes in exterior surfaces, changes in materials, additions, remodels, demolitions, and relocation of buildings or structures, but excludes ordinary maintenance and repairs.
MOVIE THEATER. An indoor theater for showing motion pictures.
MULTI-TENANTED BUILDING. A building complex or shopping center containing multiple businesses on the same site, with the same points of site ingress, and egress.
MUSEUM, CULTURAL FACILITY. Any permanent institution for the collection and display of objects of art or science, sponsored by a public or quasi-public agency and open to the public.
NATURE PRESERVES, TRAILS and TRAILHEADS. An area that preserves or protects desert lands, associated endangered species, washes, escarpments, rock outcroppings, critical environmental features, viewsheds, or other natural elements. Such areas may include trails and trailheads.
NEWSPAPER, GENERAL CIRCULATION. A newspaper published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, which has a bona fide subscription list of paying subscribers, and has been established, printed, and published at regular intervals in the state, county or city.
NIGHTCLUB. An establishment dispensing alcoholic beverages for consumption on premises where dancing and indoor musical entertainment is permitted.
NON-CHARTERED FINANCIAL INSTITUTION (CHECK-CASHING FACILITIES). Any person or establishment in the business of cashing checks or accepting deferred deposits for a fee, service charge, or other consideration. This does not include licensed banks, credit unions, development corporations, mortgage brokers, pawn brokers, insurance companies or other similar type uses.
NURSERY, COMMERCIAL. A retail establishment selling plants purchased wholesale from off- site, including other items commonly sold at a plant nursery that are stored inside a solid or screened structure. The sale or outdoor storage of bulk items, and/or commercial vehicles or heavy equipment is prohibited.
NURSING HOME. Establishment with individual rooms supported by communal facilities (such as kitchen, dining, living, and recreation) that provides 24-hour medical, convalescent or chronic care to individuals who, by reason of advanced age, chronic illness or infirmity, are unable to care for themselves, and is licensed as a skilled nursing facility by the State of Arizona, including but not limited to, rest homes and convalescent hospitals, but not assisted living center or home, hospitals or clinics.
OCCUPANCY, CERTIFICATE OF (C of O). A document issued by the Chief Building Official (CBO) or Director allowing the occupancy or use of a building and certifying that the structure or use has been constructed and used in compliance with all the applicable codes of the city. A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) may be issued prior to the C of O typically for periods up to 90 days as determined by staff, which allows for temporary occupancy to stock the shelves and/or install furniture, before the C of O is issued for full occupancy.
OCCUPANCY, CHANGE IN. The replacement of an existing use with an approved different use.
OFF-SITE. Not located on the property to be developed.
OFF-STREET. Land located outside of any public or private street rights-of-way, typically within the confines of the property boundary lines.
OFFICE, BUSINESS or PROFESSIONAL. An establishment that provides executive, management, administrative, or professional services, but not the sale of merchandise unless incidental to a permitted use, not including a medical office or clinic. Examples include real estate, insurance, employment, travel, law, architecture, accounting, broadcasting, call centers, and/or similar types of offices.
ON-SITE. Located within the confines of the property boundary lines.
OPAQUE/OPACITY. Means something that has the visual characteristics of a solid wall that cannot clearly be seen through.
OPEN SPACE. An area intended to provide space, light and air, designed for either environmental, scenic, or recreational purposes, which may include, but is not limited to, lawns, decorative planting, walkways, active/passive recreation areas, playgrounds, swimming pools and water courses. This shall not include driveways, parking lots, or other surfaces designed or intended for vehicular travel.
OUTDOOR DISPLAY. The outdoor placement of goods, equipment, merchandise or exhibits at a location easily visible to the public.
OUTDOOR MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT. Any outdoor musical entertainment projected by natural or amplified means for entertainment purposes.
OUTDOOR SALES. The outdoor display of products or services for retail or wholesale purchase.
OUTDOOR STORAGE. The outdoor placement of any items in a set location for more than 24 hours.
OUTDOOR VENDING. Any outdoor vending by any non-stationary device, utilized for temporarily displaying, exhibiting, selling or offering for sale any food, beverages or merchandise. This shall not include short duration, primarily non-profit uses such as lemonade and Girl Scout cookie stands or outdoor display and sales areas as specified in § 152.046(F)(8).
OUTDOOR STORAGE (BOAT, RV STORAGE). An outdoor facility where boats and/or RVs are stored for more than 72 hours.
OWNER. A person recorded as such on the records of the County Assessor, or a person who has been granted written authorization by the owner to act on his or her behalf.
PARAPET. The extension of a false front or wall above a roofline.
PARKING AISLES. That portion of the parking area consisting of the driving lanes providing access to the individual parking spaces.
PARKING AREA. That portion of a lot that is used by vehicles for access, circulation, parking and loading and unloading. It comprises the total of circulation areas, loading and unloading areas, and parking areas (spaces and aisles).
PARKING LOT. An area not within a building where motor vehicles may be stored for the purposes of temporary, daily, or overnight off-street parking.
PARKING LOTS and PARKING STRUCTURES. A paved area used for the sole purpose of parking motor vehicles or a structure designed with one or more levels partially or fully enclosed, used for the parking of motor vehicles. The facility may be above, below, or partially below ground. This use does not include private carports or garages.
PARKING, OFF-STREET. Marked or unmarked parking located within a parcel and outside a private or public right-of-way.
PARKING, ON-STREET. Marked or unmarked parking located within a private/public right-of-way.
PARKING, SHARED. The agreed use of parking areas on two or more properties for joint use by the businesses on those properties which requires the prior approval from the Director.
PARKING SPACE, COMPACT. Any parking space measuring at least eight feet wide by 15 feet long, so located to permit parking for a compact automobile.
PARKING SPACE, STANDARD. A designated space in the parking area to park one vehicle. See parking space dimensions based on angle of parking in § 152.056.
PARKING SPACE, TANDEM. Parking where one vehicle parks behind another where the back vehicle must be moved so the front vehicle can leave.
PERMITTED USE. Any use allowed-by-right in a zoning district.
PERSON. Any person, firm, partnership, association, social or fraternal organization, corporation, estates, trust, receiver, syndicated, branch or government or any other group or combination of groups acting as a unit.
PETS, HOUSEHOLD. Any domesticated animals, such as dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, rabbits, fish and amphibians commonly kept as pets for personal enjoyment and not for breeding or commercial purposes.
PREMISES. Any property, structures, off-street parking, points of access, common areas and other appurtenances which allows the parcel to function as a whole.
PRINCIPAL (PRIMARY) USE. A use that fulfills the primary function of an establishment, institution, household, or other entity that occupies at least 70% of the gross floor area.
PRIVATE STREET. Privately owned, maintained and recorded property designated and improved as a street public right-of-way for pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular use.
PROHIBITED USE. A use not listed as permitted or conflicting with any listed permitted use.
RANCHING. A commercial use for the keeping of livestock and necessary accessory equipment and uses required for the operation of the business. Allowed uses include; grazing livestock; animal husbandry; equine stables for riding, boarding, breeding, training, and lessons; the sale of livestock; rodeos, 4-H and other public or youth-related activities. This use does not include intensive animal operations, such as dairy, poultry and egg farming; feed lots or uses of a similar nature.
RECORDED PLAT. A survey or final plat bearing any certificates of approval required by this chapter and the Arizona Revised Statues, duly recorded in the Coconino County Recorder's office.
RECREATIONAL VEHICLE. A vehicle other than a mobile home designed for temporary dwelling or entertainment and recreational use which is either self-propelled, mounted on, or towed behind another vehicle. Examples include, but are not limited to, travel, camping and fifth-wheel trailers, truck campers, motor homes or vans, boats, watercraft, and off-road vehicles and their trailers.
RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK. A site with required services, facilities and utilities to accommodate short and long-term recreational vehicle parking for the residents.
RECYCLING CENTER. A facility which recycles recoverable resources such as newspapers, glassware, plastics, and metals to be reprocessed and treated so they can again be used for production, where some outdoor storage may take place. This facility is not a junk or salvage yard, but it could be approved for those uses in the Industrial Park Zoning District.
RELIGIOUS ASSEMBLY. A facility used primarily for assembly and meetings for religious activities. Accessory uses may include cultural events, parking, staff housing, and group living facilities such as convents.
RESIDENT CARE HOME. Housing for a group of no more than six unrelated persons living in a dwelling due to a physical or mental disability (see "group home" for persons without disabilities) foster care homes or sober living/substance abuse treatment centers as specifically defined by the Arizona Revised Statutes, and may include staff who may or may not live in the dwelling, who provide support services, including but not limited to domestic, medical, rehabilitation, or other similar services, but shall not include halfway/correctional transitional facilities or shelter homes for people at risk.
RESORT, CABINS, LODGES. One or more buildings containing more than five dwelling units and/or guest rooms that may provide outdoor recreational activities such as golf, horseback riding, swimming, shuffleboard, tennis, and similar activities. A resort may furnish services customary to hotels, such as a restaurant, cocktail lounge, and convention facilities.
RESOURCE EXTRACTION/EXTRACTIVE DRILLING AND MINING. The on-site extraction or mining of surface or subsurface minerals or other natural resources, such as quarries, borrow pits, sand and gravel operations, oil and gas extraction, and other similar extraction and mining operations.
RESTAURANTS. Establishments providing on-premises preparation, consumption, retail sales, and service of food and beverages, with or without a drive-thru.
RETAIL, GENERAL. The retail sale or rental of merchandise not specifically listed under another use classification which typically provides goods for immediate purchase and removal by the consumer. Examples include, but are not limited to: pharmacies, jewelry stores, bait shop, bakeries, bookstores, and florists, with or without a drive-thru.
RETAIL, LARGE/BIG-BOX/ANCHOR. Same as a Retail, General establishment which occupies more than 25,000 square feet of floor area, such as grocery, appliance, electronic, department and furniture stores, membership-based retail stores, and factory outlet stores.
RETAIL, SMOKE/VAPE SHOP. Has a principle use as a cigar shop, hookah lounge, head shop, electronic cigarette or other retail establishment where the primary activity is the sale of tobacco and smoking related goods/paraphernalia.
RETAIL, PAWN SHOP. An establishment whose principal business activity involves advancing money on the security of pledged goods or purchasing tangible personal property on the condition it could be redeemed or repurchased by the seller.
RIGHT-OF-WAY. A public way established or dedicated for public purposes by duly recorded plat, deed, grant, governmental authority, or by operation of the law, which may be publicly or privately owned and maintained.
SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA. A round, parabolic antenna that receives signals from satellites.
SCHOOL, BOARDING. Private education institutions meeting the requirements of the State of Arizona that include group living quarters for a student body or religious order, that does not include degree-granting colleges or universities.
SCHOOL, PUBLIC or PRIVATE K-8. Public or private facilities for primary general academic education consistent with academic requirements of the State of Arizona, including kindergarten through junior high school, and including accessory facilities traditionally associated with K-8 schools.
SCHOOL, PUBLIC or PRIVATE 9-12. Public or private facilities for secondary high schools having curricula of general academic education consistent with the academic requirements of the State of Arizona. This includes accessory facilities traditionally associated with high schools.
SCREENING. A wall, fence, hedge, informal planting, or berm, provided for the purpose of buffering a building or activity from abutting properties, neighboring areas or a street.
SECTION. A section of this code, unless some other code or statute is specifically referenced.
SELF-STORAGE, INDOOR. One or more buildings with controlled access that contains varying sizes of individual, compartmentalized, and controlled access garages, stalls or lockers for storage of customers' property, which does not include any type of boat or RV storage.
SERVICE STATION/CONVENIENCE STORE. Establishments engaged in the retail sales of motor fuels, that may also sell propane gas and convenience store goods and services, which are typically in buildings less than 5,000 square feet.
SETBACK. The minimum required distance between the building and the property boundary lines.
SIGHT VISIBILITY TRIANGLE/SIGHT TRIANGLE. The area of visibility on a street corner to allow for safe operations of vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists in the proximity of intersecting streets, rail lines, sidewalks, and bicycle paths.
SIGN. Any visual element(s) including words or symbols, placed to attract attention or convey information, including any device providing identification, advertising or directional information for a specific business, service, product, person, organization, place, or building, including graphic devices such as logos, colored fascia, banners, balloons, streamers, inflatable structures, exterior merchandise displays, projected picture signs, holographic projection signs and other attention-getting media and devices, with or without interior or exterior lighting.
SIGN, A-FRAME. A temporary sign supported by its own frame when positioned upright in a manner that forms an "A" when in use; AKA a sandwich or tent sign.
SIGN, ABANDONED. A sign no longer in use or no longer associated with the location, product or activity conducted on the same premises as the sign.
SIGN, ADVERTISING. A temporary or permanent sign which includes any copy or graphics relating to any business, service, product, person, organization or place, in addition to simple identification.
SIGN, ANIMATED. A permanent sign with motion, light or color changes, or the illusion of motion.
SIGN AREA. The area of a sign face, either changeable or permanent, as measured in square feet.
SIGN, WALL. A permanent sign directly attached to the facade/face of a building.
SIGN, AWNING/CANOPY/MARQUE. A permanent sign painted, installed, attached, or otherwise applied to or located directly on an awning, canopy, marque, building overhang or other similar structure.
SIGN, BANNER. A temporary sign made of fabric, cloth, or other pliable material without a rigid structural support or internal illumination on which advertising copy or graphics may be displayed.
SIGN, BILLBOARD. A sign or structure, other than a temporary sign, portraying information or directing attention to a business, activity, commodity, service, entertainment, or message that is not conducted, sold or offered nor does it pertain to the same parcel on which the sign or structure is located.
SIGN, CABINET. An enclosed case to hold internal components and/or internal lighting, with one side holding the sign face.
SIGN, CHANGEABLE COPY. A permanent sign constructed to hold individual letters or text mounted in or on a track, which is typically used as directory signs.
SIGN, CONSTRUCTION. A temporary sign erected on the construction premises placed during the period of construction displaying the entities involved with the project, as determined by the applicant.
SIGN COPY. Any graphic image, symbol, text or numerals used for the advertisement or message.
SIGN, DEVELOPMENT. A permanent sign situated on the subject property under development, where it is usually located at or near the entry and which may be internally or externally illuminated.
SIGN, DIRECTIONAL. A sign providing maneuvering guidance for the purpose of promoting the safe flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic (i.e. "one way", entrance", "exit", etc.).
SIGN, DIRECTORY. A sign listing the names and locations of the various tenants or activities within a building, multi-tenant development or group of buildings. See Sign, Changeable Copy.
SIGN, DRIVE-THROUGH. A sign oriented to vehicle occupants using a drive-through at an establishment that transacts business through a window, with or without ordering capability.
SIGN, ELECTRONIC MESSAGE. A permanent sign that uses computer-generated or electronic components to change advertising copy, messages or color, including signs that flip or rotate.
SIGN FACE. The area or display surface which contains the sign message or advertisement.
SIGN, FASCIA. A sign affixed to a horizontal surface at the edge of a projecting roof or overhang.
SIGN, FLASHING. A permanent sign with an intermittent, repetitive or flashing light source.
SIGN, FREESTANDING/MONUMENT. A permanent sign that has its own supporting structure independent of the building or business it identifies.
SIGN, GAS-FILLED. Any sign that uses neon, argon, krypton or any similar gas to illuminate transparent or translucent tubing or other materials, or any similar gas lighting on or near the exterior of a building or window.
SIGN, IDENTIFICATION. A sign that contains only the name of the business, person, organization, place, or building at that location.
SIGN, ILLUMINATED. A permanent sign, that is lighted, either externally or internally.
SIGN, INFLATABLE. An inflatable device or a sign that is displayed, printed or painted on the surface of a balloon or any other form of inflatable background used to attract attention or advertise a message, location or event.
SIGN, LEGAL NON-CONFORMING. Any permanent sign in existence or under construction, as of the effective date of this chapter, which does not conform to the provisions of this chapter, but which was or is being constructed or maintained in compliance with all previous regulations.
SIGN, MENU BOARD. A permanent sign with a changeable face oriented to the drive-through lane of a business that advertises the menu items or services available from the drive-through window.
SIGN, MULTI-TENANT BUILDING IDENTIFICATION. A permanent sign for a building complex or center that contains multiple businesses that share the same site and use common points of vehicular site ingress and egress.
SIGN, OFF-SITE/OFF-PREMISE. Any permanent or temporary sign that displays any message or advertisement for something that does not relate to the premises upon which the sign is located.
SIGN, PERMANENT. Any sign affixed to the ground with a foundation or painted on or anchored to a building, wall or other permanent structure to achieve a lasting and enduring condition and location.
SIGN, POLITICAL. A sign that meets the conditions of A.R.S. § 16-1019.
SIGN, PORTABLE. Any sign not permanently attached to the ground or a permanent structure.
SIGN, PROJECTING. A permanent sign that extends more than 12 inches from a building wall over a property line or right-of-way line.
SIGN, PYLON. A freestanding sign constructed with a support structure that is more than 10% of the height of the total sign and less than 90% of the width of the sign. The support structure shall not be included in the sign area computation.
SIGN, READER PANEL. A permanent, non-electronic sign only for public facility land uses that conveys schedules of events, rules, regulations, announcements, or similar messages.
SIGN, ROOF. Any sign affixed on, above or over the roof of a building that projects above the highest point of a roofline, wall, a mansard roof peak, or top of fascia of a hipped roof, is prohibited.
SIGN, SHINGLE. A wall mounted or hanging sign, located under a covered porch, walkway, extended roof, or other similar structure.
SIGN, STREET ADDRESS. A permanent sign with numbers/letters to identify a property address.
SIGN, SUBDIVISION ENTRY MONUMENT. A freestanding sign located at the primary entrance(s) to a residential subdivision.
SIGN, TEMPORARY. Any sign not permanently affixed or attached to a structure or the ground intended to display a message or advertisement for a non-permanent period of time.
SIGN, TWO-PART. A permanent sign composed of two sign panels, at an angle equal to or more than 45 degrees, whose total sign area shall be computed from the total area of both panels.
SIGN, WALKER. A person who wears, holds or balances a portable sign.
SIGN, WALL MOUNTED. A permanent sign fastened to any vertical portion of a building.
SIGN, WINDOW. Any sign, pictures, symbols or combination thereof, designed to communicate information about an activity, business, commodity, event, sale or service that is affixed to, or located within six feet of a windowpane, that can be easily read from the exterior of a building.
SINGLE HOUSEKEEPING UNIT. Any number of related, or up to six unrelated, persons living as the functional equivalent of a traditional family, within a single dwelling unit.
SITE BUILT. A building, structure or dwelling constructed on site, in conformance with all uniform codes in force at the time of construction. This definition does not include buildings, structures or dwellings relocated and placed on site.
SITE PLAN. A plan drawn to scale, showing the boundaries of a site and the location of all buildings, structures, uses, principal site development features, or any other information required by this chapter, which is proposed for a specific development.
SLOPE. An included ground surface, the inclination of which is expressed as a ratio of horizontal distance to vertical distance.
SMALL WIRELESS FACILITY/C.O.W. A wireless facility that meets both of the following qualifications:
(1) Each antenna is located inside an enclosure of not more than six cubic feet in volume or, in the case of an antenna that has exposed elements, the antenna and all of the antenna's exposed elements could fit within an imaginary enclosure of not more than six cubic feet in volume.
(2) All other associated wireless equipment is cumulatively not more than 28 cubic feet in volume. The following types of associated ancillary equipment are not included in calculating equipment volume:
(a) An electric meter;
(b) Concealment elements;
(c) A telecommunications demarcation box;
(d) Ground-based enclosures;
(e) Grounding equipment;
(f) A power transfer switch;
(g) A cut-off switch; and
(h) Vertical cable runs for the connection of power and other services.
SOCIAL SERVICE FACILITY. Facilities providing supportive services for targeted groups on a less-than-24-hour basis. Examples of services provided are counseling, meal programs, personal storage lockers, showers, instructional programs, television rooms, and meeting spaces which is distinguished from hospitals, nursing homes, and other related facilities that provide 24-hour or overnight care.
SOLAR ARRAY/GENERATION FACILITY. An electrical energy collection and generation plant comprised of one or more freestanding, ground-mounted devices that capture solar energy and convert it to electrical energy for use by an off-site electric utility provider. A solar generation station is also known as a solar plant, solar generation plant, solar farm, concentrated solar power plant, solar power plant, or solar thermal power plat (if non-photovoltaic).
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT. A permit issued by the Parks and Recreation Director for any fair, parade, march, procession, festival, street dance, circus, carnival, concert, performance, rodeo, race, Christmas tree sales or other temporary activity using outdoor spaces and inviting public participation (with/without charge) on public or private property. There are two types of special events: civic and commercial.
STORE/STAY QUARTERS. A dwelling unit attached or part of a principal indoor storage (boat, RV) building or unit that may be used as a temporary residence by the owner, subject to the provisions of § 152.046(F)(3).
STREET. A publicly or privately-owned and maintained right-of-way, dedicated to public use, which provides vehicular and pedestrian access to adjacent properties.
STREET, ARTERIAL. A street designed to carry large volumes of traffic and provides for efficient vehicular movement between large areas of the city as designated on the Functional Street Classification Map in the city's general plan.
STREET, COLLECTOR. Streets that typically conduct and distribute traffic between other local and arterial streets as designated on the Functional Street Classification Map in the city's general plan.
STREET, PRIVATE. A privately-owned and maintained street intended for local vehicular traffic in a gated or otherwise controlled or closed-off community, subdivision or cul de sac.
STREET WIDTH. The width of the street measured from back of curb on both sides of the street.
STRUCTURAL ALTERATIONS. Any change in the supporting components of a building, such as bearing walls or partitions, columns, beams or girders, or any complete rebuilding of the roof or exterior walls, foundations, footers or stem walls.
SUBSTANCE ABUSE DETOXIFICATION/TREATMENT CENTER. An inpatient or outpatient health facility staffed by medical professionals providing therapy and/or rehabilitation for substance- dependent individuals. Methadone distribution centers are included.
TEMPORARY USE or BUILDING. A use/structure permitted under this code for a limited period.
TOTAL SIGN AREA. The entire area of the sign face upon which sign copy and/or imagery may be placed, excluding any supporting structure.
TOUR SERVICES. Businesses primarily engaged in providing recreation and other activities for tourists and residents, including, but not limited to: jeep, helicopter, hiking, biking, equestrian, off-highway vehicle, and rafting tours.
TRAILER, COMMERCIAL. A container or flatbed trailer on wheels and towed by a motor vehicle, used to transport items related to a business and often used as an advertising device for that business.
TRUCK STOP. A commercial facility whose primary purpose is to provide service and maintenance to diesel powered trucks and tractor trailers, including bays for truck washing and fuel dispensing, but excluding the overhaul of large diesel trucks or engines. Other facilities may also be present, such as convenience markets, motels and restaurants.
UNDERLYING DISTRICT. The base zoning district classification applying to a group of properties upon which additional overlay district regulations are superimposed.
USE. The principal purpose for which a lot or the main building is designed, arranged, or intended to be used, occupied, or maintained.
USE, ACCESSORY. A use customarily incidental and subordinate to the principal use.
USE, CONDITIONAL. Any use which may be established in the particular zoning district in which it is allowed only upon meeting the conditions and limitations as prescribed by this chapter.
USE, PERMITTED. A use which is lawfully established in a particular district as a use-by-right, which conforms with specified development standards.
UTILITY FACILITY and SERVICE YARD, MAJOR. A regional/area utility service that typically has employees on the site on an ongoing basis, such as, but are not limited to: wastewater and water treatment plants, reservoirs, power plants, and maintenance yards.
UTILITY FACILITY, MINOR. A utility service that typically supports the immediate vicinity, where employees are typically not on site on an ongoing basis, such as, but are not limited to: electric transformer and gas regulator stations; telephone exchange buildings; well, water, and sewer pumping stations; water storage tanks and pressure regulating stations.
VACATION HOME RENTALS. Vacation home rentals are permitted within the city limits as allowed and regulated by the Arizona Revised Statutes. Vacation rentals do not include a unit that is used for any nonresidential use, including retail, restaurant, banquet space, event center or other similar use.
VEHICLE, INOPERATIVE. A vehicle that cannot be operated lawfully on a public roadway for any reason other than the lack of current vehicle registration, or that cannot move under its own power.
VEHICLE STACKING/STORAGE. Generally refers to a drive-through scenarios where the first vehicle is unable to move without the second vehicle also moving. See § 152.056.
VISIBLE. Capable of being seen by a person of normal height and visual acuity walking or driving on or next to a public road.
WASTE FACILITY, LANDFILL. A planned and approved method or system of waste disposal in which the waste is disposed or buried in layers, compacted by earth or other approved methods, also known as sanitary landfill.
WASTE FACILITY, TRANSFER STATION. A facility where solid waste from homes, businesses, and industries is transferred from one type of collection vehicle or container to another. Transfer activities are entirely within covered structures. A transfer station is an intermediary point between the locations of waste generation and ultimate processing or disposal. Does not include liquid waste transfer, recycling or refining activities, hazardous or toxic waste disposal, or solid waste disposal.
WATCHMAN’S QUARTERS. An attached unit to a principal building that may be used as a permanent residence for employees of businesses or property owners when their presence is required for security purposes by the employer 24 hours a day, subject to the provisions of § 152.046(F)(2).
WHOLESALE ESTABLISHMENT. An establishment primarily engaged in the sale or distribution of goods and materials in large quantity to retailers for resale to consumers. This shall not include heavy manufacturing, resource extraction, bulk storage of hazardous materials, or scrap or salvage operations.
WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY (WCF). WCF transmit analog or digital voice or communications using electromagnetic signals via antennas, microwave dishes, and similar devices. Supporting equipment includes buildings, shelters, cabinets, towers, electrical equipment, generators, parking areas, and other accessory items. Specific use types include, but are not limited to:
(1) Tower. (Including any facility with a tower).
(2) Broadcasting or Recording Studio. (No tower). A building or portion thereof used for broadcasting or recording but without a tower.
(3) Satellite Earth Station. A telecommunication facility that transmits to and/or receives signals from an orbiting satellite.
(4) Small Wireless Facilities. See SMALL WIRELESS FACILITY.
(5) Transmitting Station. (No tower). Any facility that transmits or broadcasts information but without a tower, including WCF without towers.
WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION, ANTENNA SUPPORT STRUCTURE/TOWER. A structure designed to support antennas and equipment associated with single or multiple collocated antennas, and may include monopole, lattice or guy wire support towers and other similar structures.
WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION, ATTACHED WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY. A WCF is an antenna array attached to an existing building/structure, like, but not limited to utility poles, water towers, with any accompanying attachment device, plus transmission equipment.
WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION, CAMOUFLAGED. A wireless communication facility that is disguised, hidden, part of an existing or proposed structure or placed within an existing proposed structure is considered camouflaged.
WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION, CO-LOCATION. Use of a common tower or site by two or more wireless license holders or by one for more than one type of communications technology and/or placement on a structure owned or operated by a utility or other public entity.
WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION, HEIGHT. When referring to a WCF, height shall mean the distance measured from ground level to the highest point on the tower, including the antenna.
WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION, SETBACKS. When referring to an antenna support structure, setback shall mean the required distance from the structure to any property line.
WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION, TEMPORARY WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY (TEMPORARY WCF OR COW). A WCF which is placed in use for a limited period of time, is not deployed in a permanent manner, and does not have a permanent foundation.
WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION, WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY. Any facility used for the transmission and/or reception of wireless communication services.
WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION, WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SERVICES. Wireless communication services means any personal wireless services as defined in the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 which includes commercial mobile, un-licensed wireless, common carrier wireless exchange access, and similar services that exist or may eventually be developed.
YARD. The open space between buildings and property lines that is unobstructed from the ground up.
YARD, REQUIRED FRONT. The open space between the front lot line and the front of a building between the two side lot lines. A front yard setback is parallel to the front lot line.
YARD, REQUIRED REAR. The open space between the rear lot line and the rear of a building between the two side lot lines. A rear yard setback is parallel to the rear lot line.
YARD, REQUIRED SIDE. The open space between a side lot line and a building that extends from the front yard to the rear yard.
YARD, STREET SIDE. A side yard adjacent to a public or private street extending from the front yard to the rear yard.
ZERO LOT LINE. Where one or both sides of a building rests directly on a side lot line.
ZONING CLEARANCE. The approval by the Director and/or designee of a plan that is in conformance with the zoning ordinance and any other applicable codes of the city.
ZONING DISTRICT. A designated area in which the same zoning regulations apply to all properties within that district.
ZONING ORDINANCE. Everything that is included in this chapter.
(Ord. 648-18, passed 11-28-2018; Ord. 703-23, passed 3-22-2023)