(A)   This section includes standards that regulate the physical layout and design of all development within the city to ensure the protection of the resident's health, safety, welfare, and quality of life. These provisions address the physical relationship between development and adjacent properties, public streets, neighborhoods, and the natural environment, to implement the general plan vision for a more attractive, efficient, and livable community.
   (B)   The provisions of this chapter are complementary and supplementary to and not in lieu of other provisions of this code. In the event of a conflict between a provision of this chapter and any more restrictive provision of this code applicable to a particular development, the more restrictive provision shall apply.
   (C)   Every activity, operation or land use shall comply with the following performance standards regardless of the zoning district in which they are located. The Director is responsible for insuring compliance with these performance standards and shall invoke the provisions for enforcement of compliance with these performance standards wherever there is reasonable evidence that performance standards are being violated.
   (D)   Required public access easements for escarpments, rock-outcroppings, and mesas. A dedicated fifteen foot (15'-0") wide public access easement, and a public access easement connecting said easement to a public right-of-way, shall be provided for public access, utilities and emergency responders on any public or private property that directly abuts undevelopable natural steep vertical inclines, such as an escarpment, rock-outcropping, or mesa. Said public access casement shall be that fifteen foot (15'-0") wide open and drivable path located as close to the base of the natural obstruction as possible, and along the entire perimeter, as determined and approved by the Director.
   (E)   Glare and heat. Any activity producing intense glare or heat shall be mitigated, shielded or performed within an enclosed building so it doesn't create a nuisance/hazard along or across property lines.
   (F)   Lighting. No light that flashes, strobes, revolves or otherwise resembles a traffic control or emergency signal shall be allowed in any area where such light could create a hazard for passing vehicular traffic. All outdoor lighting shall be installed and maintained in conformance with § 152.059.
   (G)   Fire and explosion hazards. Disposal of waste materials by outdoor incineration on the premises is expressly prohibited. All storage and other activities involving flammable and explosive materials shall be provided adequate safety devices against hazards of combustion and explosion, together with adequate firefighting and fire suppression equipment and devices and shall comply with locational requirements established by the Fire Department, this chapter and/or other relevant city ordinances.
   (H)   Vibration. Every use shall be so operated that the ground vibration inherently and recurrently generated is not discernible without instruments at any point beyond the site property line.
   (I)   Air pollution. No owner or occupant of land, whether improved or unimproved, shall cause or permit unreasonable quantities of smoke, noxious fumes, gas, soot or cinders to emanate beyond the boundaries of that land except with a Fire Department burning permit. Use of a home or restaurant barbeque shall not be considered unreasonable.
   (J)   Liquids and solid waste. No materials, compounds or chemicals that can contaminate any water supply, interfere with bacterial processes in sewerage treatment or otherwise cause emission of elements which are offensive or hazardous to the public health, safety, welfare or comfort shall be discharged at any point into any public or private sewage disposal system, waterway or into the ground, except in accordance with the standards approved by the Arizona State Department of Health and Environmental Services or such governmental agency as may have jurisdiction over such activities.
   (K)   Odors. No emission of odorous or noxious gases or other matter shall be permitted as to create a nuisance or hazard beyond the site property lines.
   (L)   Noise. All uses shall comply with the standards established in § 130.10.
(Ord. 648-18, passed 11-28-2018; Ord. 703-23, passed 3-22-2023)