901.03 MATERIAL.
   (a)   In the restoration of cement walks, in addition to the questions of serviceability and durability of restoration, the matter of appearance will be considered in determining the area to be restored regardless of the size of the cut. In general, it will be the policy to require the restoration of a complete section if more than half of the area of the original section is destroyed incident to making the opening. The Code Official is authorized to require restoration of full sections if, in his opinion, the circumstances justify such action.
      (1)   In restoration of cuts in cement walks, they shall be neatly squared out by a series of straight lines at least four inches back with the old cement work in a neat and workmanlike manner. Finishing shall be done by a broom finish.
      (2)   If the area of restoration of walk is materially less than total frontage, an effort should be made to match as nearly as possible the appearance of the balance of the walk in the frontage.
   (b)   Brick and stone walks shall be restored in a manner to produce a pavement equal in every respect to the adjoining walk not disturbed. A foundation of not less than four inches of cinders or gravel shall be provided and thoroughly tamped. The bricks shall be laid on and the joints filled with fine dry sand. All defective bricks shall be replaced by new or used whole brick, of quality equal to those in the old walk. If more than half the pavement area is disturbed, the Code Official may require restoration of the entire pavement area as provided for cement walks.
(Passed 1-5-04.)