This Municipality with respect to streets and highways under its jurisdiction and within the reasonable exercise of the police power may:
   (a)   Regulate the standing or parking of vehicles;
   (b)   Regulate traffic by means of police officers or traffic control devices;
   (c)   Regulate or prohibit processions or assemblages on the highways;
   (d)   Designate particular highways as one-way highways and require that all vehicles thereon be moved in one specific direction;
   (e)   Regulate the speed of vehicles in public parks;
   (f)   Designate any highway as a through highway and require that all vehicles stop before entering or crossing the same or designate any intersection as a stop intersection and require all vehicles to stop at one or more entrances at such intersection;
   (g)   Restrict the use of highways. (1978 Code Sec. 13-63.)