(a) The management and control of the Paden City Development Authority, its operations and affairs shall be lodged in a board of not fewer than twelve (12) nor more than fifteen (15) persons who shall be appointed by the Common Council of Paden City and be known as members of the authority. The Mayor shall appoint one member to the authority who shall also be a member of the Common Council. All other members shall be appointed by the Common Council and include representatives of business, industry and labor. Members appointed to the authority shall serve at the will and pleasure of Common Council.
(b) Common Council may remove any person appointed to the authority, with or without cause, whenever such removal shall be deemed by Common Council for the good of the public service and the removal of any such person from the authority shall be final.
(c) Upon passage of this ordinance amendment, all fixed terms of the current members of the authority shall become null and void and each member shall hereinafter serve at the will and pleasure of the Common Council.
(Ord. 2015-6. Passed 1-22-15.)
(Ord. 2015-6. Passed 1-22-15.)