(a)   Business Dealings with the City. No Municipal officer or employee shall be privately interested in or profit from any business dealing with the City.
   (b)   Gifts and Bribes. No Municipal officer or employee shall accept money, favors, or any other form of gift from anyone other than the Municipality, for the performance of an act or job. No Municipal officer or employee shall accept money, favors, or any other form of gift which could reasonably be construed as an attempt to influence the performance of his Municipal duties.
   (c)   Use of Municipal Time and Property. No Municipal officer or employee shall use or authorize the use of any Municipal time or property for private benefit or for the benefit of other private individuals or groups. This subsection shall not apply whenever Council has given proper authorization for the use of such time and property and is justly compensated for its use, at a rate normally charged by private sources for comparable service.
   (d)   Use of Position or Title. No Municipal officer or employee shall use his position or title to secure unwarranted privileges or benefits for himself or others. No Municipal officer or employee shall use his position and title to make purchases in the name of the Municipality when they are intended for private use, unless he reimburses the Municipality for the cost of the purchases. (Passed 9-5-78.)
   (e)   Political Activity. No municipal officer or employee may voice his/her opinion regarding political activity or advertise for a particular candidate while on City time or City property.
(Ord. 2007-4. Passed 4-2-07.)
   (f)   Strikes. No Municipal officer or employee shall participate in any strike against the Municipality or join, be a member of, or solicit any other Municipal officer or employee to join a union which authorizes the use of strikes against the Municipality.
(Passed 9-5-78.)