The Board of Directors of the public library so established by Section 147.01 shall:
   (a)    Immediately after appointed, meet and organize by electing one member as president, one as secretary, one as treasurer and such other officers as the Board may deem necessary. All officers shall hold office for one year and shall be eligible for re-election. The treasurer, before entering upon his duties, shall give bond to Council in an amount fixed by the Board of Directors, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his official duties.
   (b)   Adopt such by-laws, rules and regulations as are necessary for its own guidance and for the administration, supervision and protection of the library and all property belonging thereto as may not be inconsistent with the provisions of this section.
   (c)   Supervise the expenditure of all money credited to the library fund. All money appropriated or collected for public library purposes shall be deposited in the treasury of the governing authority to the credit of the library fund, and shall be paid out on the certified requisition of the Library Board in the manner provided by law for the disbursement of other funds of the Municipality.
   (d)   Subject to the confirmation of Council, lease and/or purchase and occupy suitable quarters or erect upon ground secured through gift or purchase an appropriate building for the use of such library; and have supervision, care, and custody of the grounds, rooms or building constructed, leased or set apart for library purposes.
   (e)   Employ a head librarian, upon his recommendation employ such assistants as may be necessary for the efficient operation of the library.
   (f)   The aforesaid library shall be free for the use of all persons living within the Municipality, subject to the reasonable rules and regulations adopted by the Library Board; provided that the Board may extend the privilege and use of such library to nonresidents upon such terms and conditions as it may prescribe.
   (g)   The aforesaid Board of Directors shall make an annual report for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth to Council, stating the conditions of the library property, the various sums of money received from the library fund, and all other sources, and how much money was expended, the number of books and periodicals on hand, the number added during the year, the number lost or missing, the number of books lent, the number of registered users of such library, with such other statistics, information and suggestions as may be deemed of general interest. A copy of said report shall be sent to the West Virginia Library Commission.
   (h)   Pursuant to the aforesaid general provision of law, the Board of Directors shall be a corporation with all the powers, duties and obligations impressed upon it by statute. (1978 Code Sec. 11-49.)