(a)   The office of Chief of Police is hereby established. The Chief of Police shall be appointed at the first regular meeting of Council each fiscal year, beginning July 1, and shall hold office until he is removed for cause, retires, dies or resigns. Council shall appoint the Chief of Police.
   (b)   The Chief of Police shall serve as the head of the Police Department, and will supervise the Department. He is the chief law enforcement officer in the City.
   (c)   He shall see to it that all fees and other money collected by members of the Police Department are promptly turned over to the Municipal Recorder or otherwise disposed of according to law. He shall be responsible for the training, discipline and morale of the members of the Police Department and dispatchers and for their effective and efficient performance of duty.
   (d)   It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to run the Police Department and enforce the ordinances of this Municipality and the laws of the State and preserve the peace.
   (e)   The Chief of Police shall supervise, control, and direct all police officers, police matrons, special police officers, dispatchers and school crossing guards, in the City. All police officers, police matrons, special police and dispatchers will take their orders and assignments from the Chief of Police or the senior taking police officer in the Chief’s absence.
   (f)   The Chief of Police shall have control of and be responsible for scheduling police officers, police matrons, special police dispatchers and school crossing guards, all City radios and all equipment designated for police use including but not limited to: Police vehicles, hand guns, weapons, uniforms, radios, walkie talkies, hand cuffs, leathers and lights.
   (g)   The Chief of Police shall develop a proposed yearly operating budget for the Police Department. Such budget will be submitted to Council on or before the first day of March of each year.
   (h)   The Chief of Police shall authorize all purchases within his department, and submit it to the Mayor for his approval. Such purchases are subject to the final approval of Council.
   (i)   The Chief of Police shall authorize, and verify all time worked and vacations of police officers, police matrons, special police and dispatchers in accordance with Municipal ordinances and policies of Council.
   (j)   The Chief of Police shall maintain all police vehicles and ensure that such vehicles are serviced.
   (k)   The Chief of Police shall conduct, supervise and direct criminal investigations including undercover investigations.
   (l)   The Chief of Police is responsible to the Mayor and Council for the operation of the Police Department. He will submit a monthly report to the Mayor and Council of the Police Department activities and expenditures.
(Passed 2-1-82)