(A)   Purpose - Design review shall be required in order to assure that new or modified uses and development will produce an environment of stable, desirable character which will be in harmony with the existing or potential development of the surrounding neighborhood to ensure the compatibility of development proposed adjacent to resource protection and recreation areas and to avoid excessive similarity or dissimilarity in the appearance of buildings. Design review is also intended to implement the goals and policies contained in the Oxnard coastal land use plan.
(`64 Code, Sec. 37-4.2.1)
   (B)   Applicability and specific standards - Any coastal permit shall be subject to the design review standards set forth in this section. While encouraging the broadest possible range of individual and creative design, the commission, or the director, where authorized, may grant design review approval only if the application conforms to all of the following standards:
      (1)   The proposed development will be of a quality and character which is compatible with the surrounding area and harmonizes with existing development;
      (2)   The design will improve the community's appearance by avoiding excessive variety and monotonous repetition;
      (3)   Proposed signage will be an integral architectural feature which does not overwhelm or dominate the structure or object it is attached to;
      (4)   Lighting will be stationary and deflected away from adjacent properties;
      (5)   Mechanical equipment, storage and trash areas and utilities will be architecturally screened from view;
      (6)   The plans show proper consideration for the relationship between the existing and finished grades of the site to be improved and adjacent properties;
      (7)   The proposed development or modification will not, in its exterior design and appearance, be so at variance with the appearance of existing buildings and development in the neighborhood as to cause the nature of the local environment to materially depreciate in appearance;
      (8)   The proposed design is compatible with existing development in the area in terms of scale, height, bulk, materials, cohesiveness, colors and the preservation of privacy;
      (9)   The proposed design promotes a harmonious transition in terms of scale and character between areas of different land use designations;
      (10)   All building elevations have been architecturally treated in a uniform manner, including the incorporation within the side and rear building elevations of some or all of the design elements used for the primary facades;
      (11)   The plans provide for adequate on-site vehicular and pedestrian circulation; and
      (12)   The main entrance to the dwelling unit or commercial or industrial building provides independent access for the physically impaired.
(`64 Code, Sec. 37-4.2.2)
   (C)   Approval - When the proposed design does not comply completely with the above standards, the approval body may impose conditions sufficient to bring the design into conformity. When the proposed design cannot be conditioned or modified to comply with the standards, the proposed design shall be disapproved and referred to the applicant for redesign and resubmittal.
(`64 Code, Sec. 37-4.2.3)
   (D)   Solar energy systems design standards - These provisions are intended to incorporate, to the extent feasible, passive heating and cooling opportunities into the design of residential developments. They are further designed to assure that solar energy systems are protected from shading and conform in appearance to the surrounding neighborhood.
      (1)   Solar collectors shall be roof-mounted in the least visible location that does not interfere with the operating efficiency of the collectors;
      (2)   Collectors shall be mounted at the same angle as the pitch of the roof, allowing water sheet flow between the roof and the collector;
      (3)   Appurtenant equipment, particularly plumbing and related fixtures, shall be installed in the attic, where feasible;
      (4)   Large accessory fixtures which must be exposed shall be screened by architectural features that harmonize with other design elements of the structure; and
      (5)   Exterior surfaces shall have a matte finish and be color-coordinated to harmonize with roof materials or other dominant colors of the structure.
(`64 Code, Sec. 37-4.2.4)
   (E)   Protection of solar access - No building, wall, fence or other structure or part of a structure shall be constructed or modified and no vegetation may be placed or allowed to grow so as to increase the consumption of airspace over a lot in a manner that obstructs solar access to a solar energy system on a neighboring lot such that more than 10% of the absorption area would be shaded at any time.
(`64 Code, Sec. 37-4.2.5)
   (F)   Design standards for single-family dwellings - Each single-family dwelling shall incorporate all of the following design features:
      (1)   A minimum projection of two and a half feet on at least two opposite sides;
      (2)   A roof constructed of fire-resistant asphalt composition shingles, tile, or similar fire-resistant roofing material; and
      (3)   Exterior siding of brick, wood, stucco, plaster, concrete, metal or similar material having a nonglossy and nonreflective finish.
(`64 Code, Sec. 37-4.2.6)
(Ord. No. 2034, 2716)