(A)   Definitions - For the purposes of this section, the following words shall have the following meanings.
      (1)   MOTOR VEHICLE - An automobile, truck, motorcycle or other self-propelled form of transportation not in excess of 10,000 pounds of gross vehicle weight.
      (2)   RESIDENT - A person who has at least a one-quarter interest in a parcel of real property within the residential area or a person who pays rent or other remuneration for use of a parcel of real property as his/her residence.
      (3)   RESIDENTIAL AREA - The areas depicted in Exhibit A, attached to Ordinance No. 2702, and Exhibit B, attached to Ordinance No. 2723. Both exhibits are incorporated herein by this reference.
   (B)   Issuance of permits -
      (1)   Parking permits and guest parking permits shall be issued by the Traffic Engineer or designee. Each such permit shall state the particular residential area. Parking permits shall not be issued for any motor vehicle that has an outstanding notice of violation of parking rules and restrictions established by this code. The Traffic Engineer shall issue rules and regulations, consistent with this section, governing the manner in which residents may qualify for such a permit.
      (2)   A parking permit or guest parking permit may be issued for Motor Vehicles only upon application of:
         (a)   A resident who has a motor vehicle registered in his/her name at an address in the residential area;
         (b)   A resident who has a motor vehicle registered to a leasing company and leased to the resident's employer, provided the motor vehicle is for the resident's use traveling to and from work and proof acceptable to the Traffic Engineer or designee is provided that shows the motor vehicle is registered in compliance with Cal. Vehicle Code, Section 6853;
         (c)   A resident for a guest parking permit, provided that a guest parking permit shall only be valid for six months; or
         (d)   A new resident upon proof said resident has not resided within the residential area since the resident's motor vehicle was last registered.
      (3)   No more than two parking permits and one guest parking permit shall be issued to a single address.
   (C)   Additional permits - Additional permits may be issued by the Traffic Engineer or designee upon the application of a resident for use of persons who, on a regular basis, provide health care or other related services essential to the well-being of the resident applicant. The applicant shall provide proof in the form of a statement by a licensed physician that such services are required.
   (D)   Prohibiting issuance of permits for out-of-state vehicles; exception for on-duty military personnel.
      (1)   Permits will not be issued for a motor vehicle unless such motor vehicle is registered with the State of California Department of Motor Vehicles.
      (2)   Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) above, the Traffic Engineer or designee may issue permits to a resident for motor vehicles registered out-of-state, provided that the resident establishes that he/she is on active military duty.
   (E)   Posting of residential permit parking area - The Traffic Engineer shall cause appropriate signs to be erected in the residential area, indicating the times parking permits and guest parking permits are required to be displayed for parking on a public street.
   (F)   Display of permits - A parking permit or guest parking permit shall be displayed face up on the driver's side of the front dashboard of the motor vehicle.
   (G)   Permit parking exemption -
      (1)   A motor vehicle that displays a valid parking permit or guest parking permit as provided herein shall be permitted to stand or be parked on a public street in the residential area for which the permit has been issued without being limited by the posted time restrictions established pursuant to this section 8-56. Said motor vehicle shall not be exempt from parking restrictions or prohibitions established pursuant to authority other than this section 8-56. Except as provided in subsection (2) below, all other motor vehicles parked within the residential area shall be subject to the time restrictions posted in accordance with this section, as well as the penalties provided for herein.
      (2)   The following motor vehicles shall not be subject to the posted time restrictions authorized by this section when parked within the residential area:
         (a)   Motor vehicles specified in section 8-36 (Public Vehicles) of this code;
         (b)   Motor vehicles specified in Cal. Vehicle Code, Section 22512 (Utility);
         (c)   Motor vehicles displaying special identification license plates issued under Cal. Vehicle Code, Section 5007 or distinguishing placards issued under Cal. Vehicle Code, Sections 22511.55 or 22511.59 (Disabled Placards).
      (3)   A residential parking permit or a guest parking permit shall not guarantee or reserve to the holder thereof an on-street parking space within the designated residential area.
   (H)   Application for and duration of permit - Each parking permit issued shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance and each guest parking permit issued shall be valid for six months from the date of issuance. Parking permits and guest parking permits may be renewed upon reapplication in the manner required by the city. However, parking permits and guest parking permits shall not be renewed for any holder or property for which any notice of violation established by this code is outstanding and unpaid. Each application or reapplication for a parking permit or guest parking permit shall contain information sufficient to identify the applicant and the residence address of real property owned or leased within the residential area.
   (I)   Penalty provisions -
      (1)   Unless expressly exempted by subsection (G), no person shall stand or park a motor vehicle or other vehicle of a gross weight exceeding 50 pounds upon a public street in the residential area during the times requiring a parking permit or guest parking permit.
      (2)   No person shall falsely represent himself/herself as eligible for a parking permit or guest parking permit or to furnish false information to the city in an application for such a permit.
      (3)   No person shall copy, produce or create a facsimile or counterfeit parking permit or guest parking permit.
      (4)   No person shall knowingly use or display any such permit to evade time limitations in the residential area.
   (J)   Revocation of permit - The Traffic Engineer or designee is authorized to revoke the residential parking permit or guest parking permit of any person found to be in violation of this section and, upon written notification thereof, the person shall surrender such permit to the city. Failure, when so requested, to surrender a residential parking permit or guest parking permit so revoked is a violation of this code and the applicant may be issued a civil citation pursuant to this code for each and every day the applicant remains in violation.
(Ord. No. 2702, 2723)