(A)   Other fees. The payment of a fee established in accordance with the provision of this subchapter shall not relieve the applicant, owner or his, her or their agent from the payment of other fees that may be prescribed from a different type of land use application, or by another ordinance of the town.
   (B)   Fees nonrefundable. All fees received by a commission as part of a land use application submission shall be nonrefundable.
   (C)   Method and timing of payment failure to pay. All fixed application fees shall be paid by cash, check or money order made payable to the town. Fees shall be paid at the time of application submission. The applicant shall be provided with invoices or other evidence of any additional expense(s), and reimbursement to the town shall be made within ten days after presentation of invoices or other evidence. Failure to comply with this division shall be grounds for denial of any application without prejudice, or revocation of any permit previously issued. Reimbursement of the town under this division shall be a condition for the endorsement of any plan, the issuance of any final permit or the issuance of any certificate of zoning compliance for an approved application, or the renewal of any periodic to temporary approval, as the case may be. An additional fee will be charged for any returned check. Bank checks and cash will be the only form of payment the town will accept after a check has been returned. Upon receipt of the returned check to the town, the permit will be considered null and void until restitution has been made.
   (D)   Updating. Fees will be updated regularly and shall be made available at the office of each land use department and Town Clerk.
(Ord. passed - -)