(A) All boards and agencies of the town, including the use of fire company properties for fire protection purposes, shall be exempt from the payment of fees established pursuant to this chapter. Each board may in whole or in part exempt an application from the payment of any or all fees if the application is for low and moderate income housing or special needs housing.
(B) In addition, each commission shall be authorized, by majority vote, to reduce or waive application fees where:
(1) The application does not appear, upon initial examination, to require intensive staff review; and
(2) The applicant is a non-profit entity which qualifies for tax deductible charitable contributions under regulations of the United States Internal Revenue Service.
(C) The Commission may also credit all or a portion of application fees from previous application(s) which were denied or withdrawn, where the review work performed on the previous application(s) may be of benefit in reviewing the new application.
(D) Any commission exempting an application from payment of a fee, in whole or in part, shall state in the minutes of the meeting at which the plan was received, the fee type exempted, the percentage exempt and reasons for granting the exemption.
(E) This exemption shall not prohibit a commission from requiring consultant reports, professional certification or conducting inspection to ensure conformance with land use regulations.
(Ord. passed - -)