(A)   (1)   The surface course or pavement is the one which must provide vehicles using it a smooth, unbroken surface for easy travel. Its effectiveness must depend upon the work done on each of the preceding courses, subgrade and subbase. The binder and top course shall be constructed of dense graded bituminous as of State Highway Specifications 809. The binder course shall be one and one-half inches thick. The top course may be surface course 1, 11 or 111, and shall be one and one-half inches thick. Tolerance of combined binder and surface course thickness of one-half inch minus will be allowed after compaction by a roller weighing not less than ten tons. It shall be laid by an approved paving machine at a minimum asphalt mix temperature of 230°F minimum air temperature in shade of 40°F. No material shall be laid in frozen ground, wet ground or during inclement weather. The paved width shall be a minimum of 32 feet for a width between curbs of 30 feet and 26 feet for a width between curbs of 24 feet in order to have one foot mat on each side for the asphalt curb.
      (2)   The finished grading of the surface course shall have a cross section as described in § 98.001(B) of this subchapter for a minimum of 32 feet in width for a width between curbs of 30 feet and 26 feet for a width between curbs of 24 feet and conform to the grades as shown on the plans and profiles. Minimum grade shall be 1% with maximum grade of 8%. Upon recommendation of the Board of Selectmen when special circumstances require, the maximum and minimum grades shall be modified in order to better conform with existing natural ground slopes.
   (B)   Bituminous concrete curbs shall be constructed for various distances of all roads at the discretion of the Board of Selectmen or an authorized agent, and shall conform in shape to the standards set up by the Board of Selectmen. The bituminous concrete shall conform to State Highway Department Specifications. Curb and paved ditch mix shall be laid by approved machine at minimum asphalt mix temperature of 250°F and minimum air temperature of 40°F in shade.
   (C)   Grades for all curbs will be established by the developer through the services of a qualified engineer. Variances from grades submitted with the filed map will be allowed only with written permission of the Board of Selectmen. These variances will be submitted to the Board of Selectmen upon completion of the work and before final acceptance of the entire roadway project. Town inspection shall be required during construction and when completed.
   (D)   Slopes, cut or fill sections beyond the ten-foot sidewalk area shall be graded to a slope not to exceed a slope of one foot vertically to one and one-half feet horizontally except in rock. If conditions should require it, this slope may be varied to maintain stability of bank under particular soil conditions encountered. Where required to provide adequate sight distances at street intersections or sharp curves in the roadway, embankments shall be cut back as directed by the Board of Selectmen or an authorized agent. No cut or fill sections which extend into property not owned by the applicant will be allowed without written permission of the adjacent landowner, granting slope rights for the town. In the absence of slope rights, appropriate retaining walls structurally sound and approved by the Board of Selectmen, shall be constructed within the subdivision limits to prevent encroachment upon the adjoining property.
   (E)   Construction procedure shall be as follows. Line and grade stakes shall be spaced not more than 50 feet apart and shall be set and maintained in good order during construction and until the road or street is approved by the Board of Selectmen. Notification shall be given 48 hours before gravel is placed on the subgrade and before any paving operation. No road or street shall be opened or used for public travel until it shall have been approved by the Board of Selectmen.
(Ord. passed 4-1-1968; Ord. passed 12-13-1976; Ord. passed 8-16-1982)