The following shall be exempt from this chapter subject to the special conditions noted:
   (A)   Noise from property maintenance equipment is exempt from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., provided that the exhaust is adequately muffled;
   (B)   Noise generated by any construction equipment operated during daytime hours;
   (C)   Noise created by any recreational activities which are sanctioned by the town, including, but not limited to, parades, sporting events, concerts and firework displays;
   (D)   Noise created by blasting provided that the blasting is conducted between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. local time and provided that a permit for blasting has been obtained from state or local authorities;
   (E)   Noise created by refuse and solid waste collection, provided that the activity is conducted between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.;
   (F)   Noise created by a fire or intrusion alarm which, from time of activation of the audible signal, emits noise for a period of time not exceeding ten minutes when the alarm is attached to a vehicle or 30 minutes when attached to any building or structure. The repetition of activation of the audible signal of an intrusion alarm due to malfunction, lack of proper maintenance or lack of reasonable care shall be considered excessive noise; and
   (G)   Noise created by snow removal provided that the equipment shall be maintained in good repair so as to minimize noise, and noise discharged from the exhausts shall be adequately muffled to prevent loud and/or explosive noises.
(Ord. passed 8-15-2005)