(a)   Table 1149.05-1 below outlines the minimum number of parking spaces required by land use. The maximum number of spaces is limited to no more than one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the minimum unless approved by Conditional Use Permit. Single, Two and Three-Family uses on individual lots are exempt from the maximum.
Table 1149.05-1 Schedule of Required Parking Spaces by Use
Residential Uses
Minimum Number of Spaces Up to Maximum of 150%
2 per dwelling unit (exempt from max)
2 per dwelling unit (exempt from max)
2 per dwelling unit (exempt from max)
Multi-family in District other than R-3 District
2.5 per dwelling unit
Multi-family in R-3 District
1 per 2 permitted occupants
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following items 1 through 5 are exemptions only applicable to multi-family uses in the R-3 Districts.
1. For R-3 District, the minimum number of off-street parking spaces may be reduced based on the following criteria, but not less than 25% of the permitted occupants.
Table 1149.05-1 Schedule of Required Parking Spaces by Use
Residential Uses
Minimum Number of Spaces Up to Maximum of 150%
2. Building distance to transit stops. (R-3 only)
a. Less than 500 feet 10% reduction
b. Less than 1000 feet 5% reduction
c. Less than 2000 feet 1% reduction
d. More than 2000 feet. No reduction
3. Sheltered bike facility (R-3 only)
a. Each 10 bike shelter parking facility qualifies for 1% reduction
4. Building distance to the MU campus (R-3) only
a. Less than 500 feet 10% reduction
b. Less than 1000 feet 5% reduction
c. Less than 2000 feet 1% reduction
d. More than 200 feet no reduction
5. Numbers of on-street parking: Each legal, adjacent, on-street parking space would reduce one required off-street parking space (R-3 only).
1 per dwelling unit
Fraternity and Sorority
2 per each 5 beds permitted by a valid City of Oxford rental permit
Family community residence
1 plus 1 per each 2 support staff members
Group community residence
1 plus 1 per each 2 support staff members
Community residence
1 plus 1 per each 2 support staff members
Family day-care home, Type A
1 per each 6 children potentially enrolled
Family day-care home, Type B
1 per each 6 children potentially enrolled
Child day-care center
1 per each 6 children potentially enrolled
Auditoriums, churches, temples & other places of public assembly
1 per each 8 seats in main auditorium (for bench seating 20 inches equals one seat)
Hotel, Bed & Breakfast
1 per guest room
Table 1149.05-1 Schedule of Required Parking Spaces by Use
Bowling alley   
5 per each alley
Car wash
1 per 6 wash bays
Club or lodge
1 per each 5 members
Community center, library, museum, art gallery
1 per each 250 square feet of floor area plus 1 per each employee on largest shift
Funeral home
1 per each 100 square feet of usable visitation and funeral service area plus 1 per each employee on largest shift plus 1 per each funeral vehicle
Golf facility
4 per each hole plus 1 per tee at a driving range plus 50 percent of the spaces required for other on-site accessory uses
1 per each 2 beds (excluding infant beds); plus 1 per each employee based on largest shift
Industrial warehousing & manufacturing uses
2 per each 3 employees on largest shift for which building is designed plus 1 per each motor vehicle routinely stored on premises or in ratio of 1 space for every 1,000 square feet of total building area; provided, however, that if the number of spaces required by the building ratio is greater than that required by the employee ratios, additional parking spaces need not be provided physically but sufficient spaces shall be reserved for future physical development
Miniature golf facility
1.5 per each hole
Nursing home
1 per each 3 beds plus 1 for each employee based on largest shift
As determined by Zoning Administrator based upon similarity to requirements for listed uses
Professional offices
3 plus 1 additional per each 400 square feet of usable floor area over 1,000 square feet
Table 1149.05-1 Schedule of Required Parking Spaces by Use
1 per each 150 square feet of usable floor area. If a drive-through is present, each 20 feet of queuing between the points at which the order is taken and where the food is served shall count as 1 space toward the total requirements, up to a maximum of 3 spaces.
Retail store , personal service establishment
1 per each 300 square feet of usable floor area.
School, elementary
1 per employee on largest shift plus 1 per classroom.
School, high
1 per employee on largest shift plus 1 per each four students potentially enrolled
School, Junior High
1 per employee on largest shift plus 1 per classroom
Skating rink
1 per each 300 square feet of floor area
Stadium or spectator arena
1 per each 10 seats (for bench seating 22 inches equals one seat)
Swimming pool
1 per each 75 square feet of water surface area.
   (b)   Unlisted Uses.
      (1)   Upon receiving an application for a use not specifically listed in Table 1149.05-1 above, the Zoning Administrator shall apply the parking standard specified for the listed use that is deemed most similar to the proposed use in regard to use, size and intensity of use.
      (2)   If the Zoning Administrator determines that there is no listed use similar to the proposed use, intensity, or size, he or she may refer to the estimates of parking demand based on the recommendations of the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE).
   (c)   Exceptions.
      (1)   In the UP District, all uses are exempt from parking requirements.
      (2)   All non-residential uses in the RO District are exempt from parking requirements.
      (3)   A deviation from the number of parking spaces provided may be permitted through a Conditional Use for shared use parking or off-site parking.
         (Ord. 3609. Passed 1-19-21.)