(a)   All off-street parking and maneuvering areas shall be hard surfaced (includes concrete, asphalt, brick, stone, or bonded gravel). Loose materials, including gravel, are not permitted. The Zoning Administrator in collaboration with the City Engineer may allow alternative standards, such as for porous paving, if they satisfy the general intent of all other provisions of this section.
   (b)   Pre-existing parking areas of any material which straddle a property boundary may be paved or resurfaced with a compliant hard surface material without needing to comply with setback requirements, so long as each property can maintain its own accessibility from a public street or alley without having to use any other property. In cases where separate access for each property cannot be achieved, a shared-access easement may be recorded as a way of satisfying applicable setback provisions.
   (c)   All off-street parking shall be located on the same site as the use for which it is required or intended, except that off-site parking may be permitted by a Conditional Use Permit according to procedures set forth in Chapter 1147. Shared-use parking may also be permitted by Conditional Use Permit according to procedures in Chapter 1147.
   (d)   All off-street parking spaces shall contain a minimum sized rectangular area. Standard spaces are 9 feet wide by 18 feet long. Compact spaces are eight (8) feet wide by sixteen (16) feet long. (Ord. 3609. Passed 1-19-21.)