The HAPC has the authority to initiate a process to designate historic sites or districts for preservation under the rules and standards of this chapter. The purpose of this section is to establish the criteria for designation and the procedure for such designations.
   (a)   Designation Criteria. In considering any area, place, structure, work of art, or object in Oxford as a historic site or a historic district, the latter of which may contain a combination of historic, historic non-contributing, or non-historic contributing sites, structures, buildings, or places worthy of preservation shall find that two of the following criteria are satisfied.
      (1)   The character of the site or district has value or significance as part of the history or development of Oxford, the State of Ohio, or the United States;
      (2)   It is the location or site of a historic event;
      (3)   It is identified with a person or persons who contributed to the history of development of Oxford, the State of Ohio, or the United States;
      (4)   It embodies distinguishing characteristics of an architectural style or building type;
      (5)   It exemplifies the cultural, economic, social, educational, or political heritage of Oxford;
      (6)   Its relationship to other distinctive areas or structures designated for preservation requires designation to protect and preserve the previously designated site; or
      (7)   Its unique location or singular physical characteristic represents an established and familiar visual feature of Oxford.
   (b)   Designation Procedure.
      (1)   Step 1 - Notification.
         A.   If the HAPC decides to propose designation of any area, place, structure, work of art, or object in Oxford as a historic site or historic district, the HAPC shall instruct the Historic Preservation Administrator to notify property owners in accordance with this section.
         B.   The Historic Preservation Administrator shall notify the owner of record of all properties under consideration for designation or any person having a recorded legal interest in such property or properties.
         C.   The notification shall include information on the dates, times, and location of the HAPC public meeting.
      (2)   Step 2 - HAPC Review and Recommendation.
         A.   The HAPC shall hold a public meeting regarding the proposed designation.
         B.   If the HAPC decides that a designation is appropriate, they shall make such a recommendation to the Planning Commission for the initiation of a zoning map amendment to both establish the formal designation and to amend the zoning map to show the designation as an overlay zoning district on the zoning map.
      (3)   Step 3 - Forwarding to Planning Commission.
         A.   Once the HAPC recommends the designation of a historic site or district, the Planning Commission shall initiate a zoning map amendment process in order to formally consider the designation.
         B.   The Planning Commission and City Council shall hear the proposed amendment and designation in accordance with the procedure set forth in the Zoning Map Amendment Section of this code, including all notification requirements for public hearings.
         C.   The Planning Commission and City Council shall consider the designation criteria as part of the recommendation and decision to designate a historic site or historic district, in addition to the general criteria for approving a zoning map amendment.
         D.   If the City Council approves the designation and zoning map amendment, the site or district shall be so identified on the Official Zoning Map.
(4)   Step 4 - Notification of Designation. Within ten (10) days of the passage of said ordinance, the Historic Preservation Administrator shall send by registered mail a certified copy of the designation ordinance and a notice briefly stating the fact of said designation and identifying where the owner of record can locate the information from this chapter, any applicable design guidelines, and any applicable historic inventories.
   (c)   Rescinding of Designation.
      (1)   Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, Council may rescind the designation of any area, place, building or structure as a historic site or historic district by ordinance.
      (2)   Passage of such ordinance shall relieve the owner or owners from any duties or penalties connected with this chapter.
      (3)   Council shall not pass such an ordinance without first proposing by motion that the designation of an area, place, structure, work of art or object in Oxford be rescinded and removed and notifying the HAPC to that effect.
      (4)   Council shall not pass such an ordinance until the procedures required by Subsections above, to make a designation have been applied in the case of removal and rescinding of such a designation.
   (d)   Determining the Significance of a Structure and Related Applicability.
      (1)   When making decisions or recommendations about changes to structures subject to the COA requirement, the HAPC shall have the authority to make a determination of the historical or architectural significance of the structure based on this section.
      (2)   In cases where there is an adopted historic inventory, the HAPC shall utilize the information in the historic inventory to make a determination of the significance (historic, non-historic contributing, historic non-contributing, and non-contributing).
      (3)   Where a historic inventory has not been adopted, the HAPC shall determine whether a structure or site is historic, non-historic contributing, historic non-contributing, and non-contributing based on the structure's or site's:
         A.   Value as a reminder of the cultural, historical, or archaeological heritage of the City, State, or nation;
         B.   Location as a site of a significant local, State, or national event;
         C.   Identification with a person or persons who significantly contributed to the development of the City, State, or nation;
         D.   Identification as the work of a master builder, designer, or architect whose individual work has influenced the City, State, or nation;
         E.   Value as a building that is recognized for the quality of its architecture and that it retains sufficient elements showing such architectural significance;
         F.   Example of an architectural style or period; and/or
         G.   Character as a contributing element in the applicable historic district.
         For structures that the HAPC finds are historic non-contributing or non-contributing, the HAPC may relax or waive the standards or guidelines that apply to the project.
If the HAPC finds that the structure is historic or non-historic contributing, the standards and guidelines of this code may be fully applied at the discretion of the HAPC.
         (Ord. 3530. Passed 6-4-19.)