(a) Written complaints may be filed with the Police Department, the City Clerk, or directly to the Commission by the following:
       (1)    Any person who is an alleged victim of misconduct by a police officer; or
      (2)    Any family member, friend, or attorney of an alleged victim of misconduct by a police officer; or
      (3)    Any person who witnessed alleged misconduct by a police officer
   (b) Complaints must be filed within one (1) year from the alleged police officer misconduct.
   (c) Complaints shall be forwarded to the Police Chief for internal investigation.
   (d) The Chief of Police or designee shall have exclusive jurisdiction over the complaint process and investigation of any City of Oxford officer. The investigation shall follow those procedures set forth in the Employee Manual and Collective Bargaining Agreement.
   (e) The Chief of Police shall give as may be permitted by law prompt written notice of the results of an investigation, including any disciplinary action for a sustained complaint, to the police officer(s), the complainant(s), and the Commission.
   (f) Any party involved in a complaint investigation may request a meeting with the Commission to review and discuss the findings of the investigation. The request for a meeting shall be filed in writing within thirty (30) days of the notification and submitted to the City Clerk.
   (g)   The City Clerk shall promptly notify the Chief of Police and the members of the Commission when a decision has been appealed. The Chief of Police shall promptly forward to each Commission member a copy of all records pertaining to the complaint and the investigation of the complaint. The requirement that the Chief of Police promptly forward to the Commission a copy of all records pertaining to the complaint shall only require the release of those records deemed to be public records. Further, to the extent any officer appeals a disciplinary decision of the Chief of Police the release of records shall be subject to the officer's appeal.
   (h)    Retaliation is strictly prohibited. Any retaliatory action or conduct by any person against a person who has filed a complaint, was named in a complaint, served as a witness, assisted, or participated in an investigation or in any other manner has facilitated the duties of the Commission is prohibited.
   This protection against retaliation extends to any person who files a complaint, is the subject of a complaint, provides information regarding a complaint, participates in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing related to a complaint resolution.
(Ord. 3339. Passed 12-1-15.)