The application requirements for a preliminary and final planned development are different. The final planned development application requires a greater degree of accuracy and completeness than does the preliminary planned development application. This section describes the application content requirements for each step of the process.
Thirteen (13) complete sets of all information shall be submitted with each preliminary and final application. The Zoning Administrator may modify this requirement based upon the type of materials included. The applicant shall contact the Zoning Administrator prior to submitting an application to discuss the submission requirement.
If any information is submitted in color or on non-standard paper, more copies may be required. (Ord. 3520. Passed 3-19-19.)
(a) Preliminary Plan.
(1) Application fee.
(2) The name, mailing address, and telephone number of the applicant and all property owners.
(3) If the applicant is not the owner, or if there are multiple owners within the proposed area, a statement from all owners that the applicant is entitled to apply on their behalf, and that they agree to be legally bound to any decision reached according to this Chapter.
(4) The name, mailing address, and telephone number of any planner, engineer, surveyor, or other design professional who assisted with preparation of the plans.
(5) Description of use and site.
A written, detailed description shall include the following information. A separate response is required for each subsection.
A. A legal description of the site, including all separate lots.
B. A description of the existing uses of the site.
C. The zoning districts in which the site is located.
D. A description of the proposed planned development.
1. The number of housing units by size and type proposed within each phase.
2. A description of any nonresidential operations, including type of goods sold, services performed, and expected number of customer, clientele, delivery, and service vehicles.
3. The hours of operation of any nonresidential use.
4. A phased development schedule, if applicable, that indicates the location and timing of phases and demonstrates that each completed phase would form a reasonably independent unit if succeeding phases were abandoned.
E. A narrative statement that evaluates the compatibility of the proposed planned development with the general vicinity and adjacent properties.
1. How the proposed uses are similar to or different from existing area uses and if there will be any interaction between the proposed site and adjacent sites.
2. How any existing structures, proposed structures, and the site design relate to adjacent structures and sites.
3. If the proposed uses will involve any operations that create potential nuisances such as excessive noise, lighting, odor, fumes, vibration, or emissions.
4. How any potential negative effects on adjacent land will be mitigated.
F. A statement about why the location proposed is appropriate for the planned development.
G. A statement of the necessity or desirability of the proposed planned development to the neighborhood or community.
H. How the proposed mix of dwelling types and/or commercial uses advances community goals of diversity, affordability and market changes (e.g. adaptability of flats versus townhomes)
I. Proposals for the provision of public utilities and services, if insufficient or not available for the planned development, or for the provision of suitable private utilities and services.
J. A general analysis of expected traffic impact, including vehicular and pedestrian safety, resulting from the proposed development.
K. The substance of proposed covenants, easements, and other restrictions on the land and structures.
L. A list of the names and mailing addresses of all landowners within 200 feet of the site.
M. Such other information regarding the proposed uses, site design, or surrounding area as may be pertinent to the application or required by Planning Commission or Council.
(6) Site plan. A scaled site plan prepared by a surveyor or engineer licensed in the state of Ohio shall include the following information in detail. The required information may be submitted on multiple site plans if inclusion of all information on a single plan makes it illegible or difficult to understand.
A. North arrow.
B. Scale.
C. Vicinity map.
D. All existing and proposed lot lines within the site.
E. Dimensions of all lots and of the entire site and any adjacent rights-of-way.
F. The location and intended purpose of all open spaces
G. Approximate location, height, dimensions, and use of all proposed and existing structures.
H. Approximate location and number of different uses (i.e. dwelling types and/or commercial uses).
I. Approximate location and design of all proposed vehicle and pedestrian routes and nonresidential vehicle management areas.
J. Approximate location and size of all existing and proposed utilities that will serve the planned development.
K. Approximate location, size, and type of all proposed signs.
L. Approximate location, height, and type of all proposed screening and landscaping.
M. Distances to residential zoning districts if within 1,000 feet.
N. The use of land and location of structures on adjacent property and across adjacent rights-of-way.
O. The location of any nearby schools and commercial facilities.
P. Other information as required by the Planning Commission or Council.
(7) Landscape plan.
(8) Elevations. Elevations of proposed structures or typical elevations if structures are not yet designed.
(9) Other. Photographs of the existing site and its surroundings.
(10) Digital Submittal. Adobe PDF version of all information submitted to also be submitted on a current digital format.
(Ord. 3562. Passed 5-5-20.)
(b) Final Plan.
(1) The same items and information as required for the preliminary plan, except that the approximations shall be refined to specific locations, dimensions, and descriptions.
(2) A detailed traffic impact analysis, including all modes of transportation, prepared by a qualified professional engineer
(3) Any additional description or information requested by the Planning Commission or Council during the preliminary plan approval process.
(4) Detailed agreements, contracts, deed restrictions, and sureties that will be used to guarantee performance of the development during and after construction. (Ord. 3520. Passed 3-19-19.)