(a)   Meetings to be Open. All meetings of Council, other than, as allowed by law, shall be open to public attendance.
   (b)   Compliance with State Law. Council shall comply with Ohio R.C. 121.22.
   (c)   Purpose of Special Meetings. The regularly scheduled meetings of this body shall be held on the first and third Tuesday of each month in the Council chambers at the Court House. Within the context of this section, a special meeting is any meeting scheduled or called for a date or place or time other than as hereinabove specified. Such special meeting, as so defined solely for the purpose of this section, may be for the purpose of:
      (1)   Continuing or commencing a regular meeting of Council in discussing and acting upon all such business as may come before the body; or
      (2)   A special meeting within the context of parliamentary definition, wherein the purpose of the meeting shall be to consider only specific and enumerated matters, and in which action will not be taken on matters unrelated to the matter, or matters, for which such a meeting is held. No special meeting, as defined herein, shall be held until the Clerk of Council has given at least 24 hours advance notice of the date, time, place and purpose of such meeting to those news media that have requested notification, except in the event of an emergency. An emergency exists when immediate official action is necessary. In that event, the member, or members, calling such a meeting shall immediately notify such news media as have requested notification of the date, time, place and purpose of such meeting.
   (d)   Determination and Notice of Meetings.
      (1)   Any person may determine the date, time and place of regularly scheduled meetings by phoning or contacting the Clerk at the City Building.
      (2)   Any person may determine the date, time, place and purpose of special meetings, as defined herein, by making such a request, in writing, to the Clerk and sending forth their name, address and telephone number. The Clerk shall notify such person of the date, time, place and purpose of special meetings either by e-mail or telephone and will in any case endeavor with all reasonable effort and dispatch to make such notification immediately. When time permits reasonable anticipation of timely mail delivery, the Clerk may notify such person by mail. When, in the judgment of the Clerk, it seems reasonable to believe mail notification will not be timely, the Clerk shall make all reasonable efforts to contact such person by e-mail or telephone.
   (e)   Agendas. Any person desiring information as to any specific business to be discussed at a meeting may obtain advance notification of the proposed discussion by securing a copy of the meeting agenda by any or all of the following methods. The Agenda will be available on Saturday, Sunday, Monday or Tuesday preceding the regularly scheduled meeting:
      (1)   Agendas for regularly scheduled meetings will be available via the City of Oxford website (www.cityofoxford.org) or at the Municipal Building during regular business hours or at the Police Department lobby.
      (2)   Agendas for special meetings will be available immediately upon their preparation at the City website (www.cityofoxford.org), at the Municipal Building during regular business hours or the Police Department lobby, without charge.
         (Ord. 3056. Passed 6-2-09.)