(a)   Purpose. This district is intended to provide for research and development and professional office facilities that have minimal impact upon the surrounding environment
   (b)   Uses.
      (1)   Permitted uses.
         A.   Professional, business, government, and medical offices with no retail sales to the general public, with no storage of goods for sale.
         B.   Professional Offices relying on advanced scientific and engineering capabilities.
         C.   Research, experimental, or testing laboratories conducted entirely within enclosed buildings.
         D.   Electronic data processing.
         E.   Public service facilities.
      (2)   Conditional uses. The following Conditional Uses are subject to review and regulation in accordance with Chapter 1147.
         A.   Operations designed to attract little or no customer or client traffic other than employees.
         B.   Semi-public uses.
   (c)   Site Development Regulations.
      (1)   Lot requirements.
         A.   Minimum lot frontage and width: 100 feet
         B.   No minimum lot size is specified; however, the lot size shall be adequate to provide for parking, access drive spacing, yard space and screening requirements.
      (2)   Yard requirements.
         A.   Minimum front yard depth   50 feet
         B.   Minimum rear yard depth and side yard width
            1.   If side or rear yard abuts onto a Residential District, yard shall have a minimum 50 feet for Permitted Use and minimum 100 feet for Conditional Use, and landscaped screening provided.
            2.   Each side and rear yard shall be equal to the height of the principal building.
            3.   Opaque fence may be substituted for plantings if approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
      (3)   Structural requirements.
         A.   Maximum height   45 feet
         B.   Lot coverage      70 percent
   (d)   Supplementary Regulations.
      (1)   Site plan approval required. A site plan shall be submitted that shows graphically the location and dimensions of vehicular entrances, exits, internal circulation pattern, off-street parking and loading facilities, building location and dimensions, storage facilities, landscaping and screening facilities.
      (2)   Impact statement. Prior to being issued a zoning certificate in the Office/Industrial District, the applicant must obtain approval of a descriptive text indicating the nature of the proposed activity, expected levels of noise, odor, dust, smoke, light, glare and/or vibration from normal operations and a plan for addressing these impacts. The expected number of employees per shift, at the outset and at full expansion, shall be indicated. Other information, as required, shall be submitted either in text or plans.
      (3)   Storage of material. Storage of material and equipment shall be within an enclosed building, unless located behind the principal structure and visually screened from the street and adjacent properties by a landscaped screen, fence or wall. Such screening of open storage and trash containers must meet the requirements of Sections 1141.01 and 1141.04.
         (Ord. 3611. Passed 1-19-21.)