(a)   At all meetings of Council business shall be transacted, as far as practicable, in the following order subject to the written rules of Council:
   (b)   Roll call.
   (c)   Executive Session. (If necessary.)
   (d)   Approval of Agenda.
   (e)   Mayor's Proclamations.
   (f)   Public Participation.
   (g)   Consent Agenda. (A member of Council can remove an item for separate discussion. A second is not required to remove an item.)
Minutes. (Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting or meetings only if there is a specific request to do so by a member of Council; provided, however, before the reading can be dispensed with, a copy of such minutes must have been received by each Council member prior to the meeting. Minutes shall consist of factual statements as to formal actions taken by Council, names and topics of persons addressing Council, and names and topics of Council members presenting a concern under the agenda item "Information Items", and shall be approved by Council upon motion and vote either "as read" or "as submitted" or "as read or submitted with corrections noted".
   (h)   Resolutions.
   (i)   Ordinances.
   (j)   Communications.
   (k)   Information Items.
   (l)   Executive Session. (If necessary.)
   (m)   Adjournment.
(Ord. 3056. Passed 6-2-09.)