(a)   General Information.
      (1)   Talawanda School District shall make available the facilities and equipment contained in Attachment “C” of the franchise agreement for use in the production of programming to be carried on the public and education access channels. Such Attachment “C” is made a part of these rules. If the production facilities and equipment are not reserved, the Talawanda School District or the City of Oxford may use the studio and equipment during those times for its own purposes.
      (2)   The production facilities and equipment may be used by public access producers only for the purpose of making a program to be carried on the access channels. Programming material and copies thereof which are produced using such facilities and equipment shall not subsequently be distributed for profit without the express written permission of the Talawanda School District and the City of Oxford. In addition, a public access producer may not receive personal profit or remuneration when using the facilities and equipment.
      (3)   A.   Studio and editing facilities shall be available according to the following schedule:
Access Studio
Studio Time Blocks
Monday through Sunday          by appointment
Editing Time Blocks
Monday through Friday          by appointment during the hours of 3:00 p.m.- 10:00 p.m.
      Appointments may be made through the Cable Access Coordinator.
         B.   Evening studio time shall include an additional half hour for striking the set and wrap-up.
         C.   Studio time blocks shall be reserved for access users. If studio time blocks are not reserved a week in advance, the Talawanda School District and/or the City of Oxford may use the studio and equipment during those time blocks.
         D.   Weekend evening editing and studio time blocks may be scheduled subject to availability of studio personnel.
   (b)   Reservations, Renewals, Cancellations.
      (1)   General information.  
         A.   Equipment, studio facilities, and editing facilities may be reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis either in person or by telephone.
         B.   All reservations for the equipment or other facilities shall be maintained by the Cable Access Coordinator for public viewing during business hours.
         C.   At the time reservations are made, persons reserving studio time must notify the Cable Access Coordinator of the approximate number of people who will be in the production facilities at any one time. Reservations for studio time require a crew of two (2) people minimum, including on camera talent.
         D.   Prior to using the studio or checking out remote equipment, producers will submit a plan listing production needs, show outline, crew members, and talent.
         E.   Due to space limitations, no sets or props may be stored at production facilities.
         F.   Failure to schedule editing time or submit a program for cablecasting within four (4) weeks following the use of portable/studio equipment shall result in the denial of future requests to use portable/studio equipment until editing has begun or a program has been submitted for showing.
      (2)   Portable equipment.  
         A.   Portable equipment may be checked out for one 24 hour period at a time, except weekends when equipment may be scheduled for a maximum of 48 hours.
         B.   If the portable equipment has not been reserved by another user one hour before it is scheduled to be returned, the prior user may renew the reservation for an additional 24 hours.
         C.   The portable equipment shall be used within the franchise area or within a reasonable distance thereof as determined by the AUC or its designee.
         D.   The portable equipment for public access may only be picked up or checked out during posted hours.
         E.   When portable equipment is returned, all loaned tapes must also be returned and checked in. The access user is responsible for labeling such tapes with user's name, date returned, and notation on label “Hold for Editing”. Tapes will be held by the Talawanda School District for a maximum of 30 days.
      (3)   Editing equipment. A user may not schedule in advance more than two (2) editing time blocks per week. Three (3) days prior to any editing time block, unreserved time shall be reserved on an unrestricted basis.
      (4)   If a public access producer fails to appear within 30 minutes after the reservation time specified, the equipment may then be assigned to someone else.
      (5)   Equipment reservations must be canceled at least 24 hours in advance to avoid a penalty.
   (c)   Repairs, Damages, and Complaints. 
      (1)   The user assumes full responsibility for any damage to equipment or production facilities. User shall agree as a condition to use, to indemnify and reimburse City of Oxford for all damage to equipment and facilities caused by neglect, abuse, theft, or other calamity, ordinary wear and tear excepted, which occurs while such equipment or facilities are assigned to the user.
      (2)   If a piece of equipment malfunctions, the public access producer shall notify a member of the studio staff as soon as possible. Under no circumstances shall the public access producer attempt to repair or continue to use the equipment.
      (3)   An equipment/facility complaint form, in a multiple part format shall be provided to all public access equipment and facilities users for each scheduled time period. One part shall be sent to the Talawanda School District Facilities Manager. The second part shall be sent to the CAOC c/o the City of Oxford, 101 E. High Street, Oxford, Ohio 45056.
      (4)   Users of portable equipment shall be asked to set up equipment and tape a small segment before checkout. Equipment shall again be set up and operated by users when returned.
      (5)   It is the responsibility of the individual who borrows equipment to verify its operational condition at the time of checkout.
         (Ord. 2670. Passed 1-4-00.)