A.    County To Provide: The county will provide address numbers, which can be placed at the entrance of the road leading to the residence, or on the residence in such a way that they are visible from the road. If the owner/occupant of the residence or business desires to provide his/her own address numbers, the expense will be that of the owner/occupant. Privately supplied address numbers must be visible from the road, or the address will not be included in the county addressing system.
   B.    Number Of Addresses Restricted: No more than five hundred (500) addresses will be assigned for every two (2) miles of drivable road.
   C.    Road Signs: Road signs will be between five and one-half feet (51/2') to six and one-half feet (61/2') above the ground and must be visible and readable from both sides. (Ord. 02-01, 3-11-2002)