Throughout the unincorporated area of the county, road names and addresses shall be assigned according to the following standards:
   A.    County And Public Roads: The names of county and public roads shall include either the term "road", "street" or "avenue".
   B.    Private Roads: The names of private roads shall include either the term "drive", "way", "place", "lane" or "circle".
   C.    Identifying Signs: Identifying signs for county and public roads shall be green in color and identifying signs for private roads shall be blue in color.
   D.    Existing Names:
      1.    Already existing names of roads shall be retained.
      2.    If already existing names are duplicative, but such duplicative names are separated geographically from Homedale, Marsing, Grand View, Bruneau and other areas of the county in such a way that no confusion will exist for law enforcement or other emergency service and public utility personnel, then the existing names may be retained.
      3.    If it is believed that confusion may exist from duplicative names, the duplication will be eliminated by renaming the road or roads, and the renaming process will take into account the following:
         a.    Date of initial naming of the roads.
         b.    Number of residences and businesses on the roads.
         c.    When the road(s) to be renamed extends into an incorporated area, municipal officials of the incorporated area will be consulted regarding the renaming.
   E.    Unnamed Roads: Currently unnamed roads will be named without duplicating names by spelling or sound.
   F.    Grid For Assigning Names: Existing road names will be used as a grid for assigning names. (Ord. 02-01, 3-11-2002)