(A)   Name. The Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for E911 services for the county shall be named the Owen County 911 Dispatch Center.
   (B)   Membership. The Advisory Board for the County Emergency Communications 911 Center shall consist of five members as follows:
      (1)   One member shall be the County Sheriff or designee;
      (2)   One member shall be the Director of the EMS or designee;
      (3)   One member shall be the Director of the EMA or designee;
      (4)   One member shall be the Fire Chief of the County Fire Association or designee; and
      (5)   One member shall be the Chief of Police of the Spencer Police Department or designee.
   (C)   Compensation. The members of the Advisory Board shall serve without receiving a stipend or any additional compensation for their service on the Advisory Board.
   (D)   Meetings. The Advisory Board shall meet as needed, but shall not meet less often than quarterly each calendar year. A quorum shall be a majority of the total members of the Advisory Board and decisions shall be made by a majority of those members attending any meeting of the Advisory Board at which there is a quorum. Any member that chooses to appoint a designee must notify the Advisory Board in writing of the appointment. No voting shall be permitted by proxy. The designee shall be a member of the department.
   (E)   Minutes. The Advisory Board shall keep minutes each meeting. Meetings of the Advisory Board shall be made public and in compliance with the Indiana Open Door Act. A copy of all minutes adopted shall be referred to the County Auditor and the Board of Commissioners.
   (F)   Officers. The Advisory Board members shall, after their appointment, meet to organize themselves, shall select a president, vice president and secretary. The president, vice president and secretary shall serve for one year terms or until their successor has been elected.
   (G)   Committees. The Advisory Board shall create such committees as they deem appropriate, which committees shall have three members and must include the Sheriff or his or her designee and the Spencer Police Chief as members.
   (H)   Operating procedures. The County Sheriff’s Department, Spencer Police Department, and all fire departments, and any other police departments in the county shall provide the Executive Director and the Advisory Board with a list of their department’s operating procedures. Each department shall promptly inform the Executive Director of any changes in operating procedures. The Advisory Board shall adopt uniform and standardized operating procedures for the 911 Dispatch Center. The Advisory Board does not establish operating procedures for individual police and fire departments.
   (I)   Policies and procedures.
      (1)   The Advisory Board shall have the responsibility of establishing written policies, procedures, and protocols for the 911 Dispatch Center, including, but not limited to long range planning, training, personnel standards, dispatching standards and protocols, and any other matter concerning the efficient operation of the 911 Center. The Advisory Board shall assist the Executive Director in preparing the annual budget for the 911 Dispatch Center.
      (2)   The budget shall be approved by the Board of Commissioners prior to being submitted to County Council.
   (J)   Executive Director job description. The Advisory Board shall develop a job description for the position of Executive Director which includes the duties and responsibilities of the position.
   (K)   Hiring of Executive Director. The Advisory Board shall receive applications for the position of Executive Director, shall review the applications, shall interview prospective employees and shall make a hiring recommendation to the Board of Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners may accept or reject the recommendation of the Advisory Board and conduct subsequent interviews of prospective employees.
(BC Ord. 2019-15, passed 8-5-2019; BC Ord. 2019-0034, passed 9-24-2019)