(A)   Within 30 days after the close of the calendar year, the Redevelopment Commissioners shall file with the Board of Commissioners of the county a report setting out their activities during the preceding calendar year.
   (B)   The report shall include the following:
      (1)   The names of the then qualified and acting Commissioners, including any removed from office;
      (2)   The names of the officers;
      (3)   The number of regular employees, if any, and their fixed salaries and compensation;
      (4)   The amount of expenditures made during the preceding year and their general purpose;
      (5)   The amount of funds on hand at the close of the calendar year; and
      (6)   Any other information necessary to disclose the activities of the Commissioners and the results obtained.
(Ord. 2012-01, passed 1-3-2012, passed by Council 1-9-2012)