§ 31.021 MEMBERSHIP.
   (A)   The County Community Corrections Advisory Board shall consist of 16 members.
   (B)   The following four members shall serve by virtue of their office or position:
      (1)   The County Sheriff;
      (2)   The Prosecuting Attorney;
      (3)   The Director of the County Welfare Department; and
      (4)   The Judge of the circuit court.
   (C)   The following four members shall be appointed by the Judge of the circuit court of the county:
      (1)   One attorney with a substantial criminal defense practice;
      (2)   One probation officer;
      (3)   One mental health professional; and
      (4)   One educational administrator.
   (D)   The following eight members may be appointed by the Board of Commissioners of the county:
      (1)   Four lay persons, at least one of whom must be a member of a minority race, if a member of a minority race is willing to serve;
      (2)   One ex-offender;
      (3)   One victim of an offense prosecuted in the county;
      (4)   One representative of the county fiscal body; and
      (5)   One representative of the largest municipality executive board.
   (E)   The members of the Advisory Board appointed by the Judge shall be appointed for a term of four years. Thereafter, such appointments shall be made for terms commencing January 1. Other members shall serve only while holding the office or position held at the time of appointment. Members may be reappointed.
   (F)   A vacancy occurring before the expiration of the term of office shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as original appointments. In the event that a successor has not been named to replace, a member upon the expiration of such member’s term, such member shall continue to serve until a successor has been duly appointed and qualified.
(BC Ord. 1992-1, passed 2-3-1992)