For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BOARD. Unless clearly referring to another body, means a County Planning Commission, or if there is no Planning Commission, the County Board of Commissioners.
   COUNTY EXECUTIVE. For purposes of this subchapter, means the presiding officer of the Board of Commissioners, the regularly designated President or one of the Board members as selected among themselves.
   NAME. As used to signify the identification of a county road, shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the section line number(s).
   OWNER. Includes the property owner, operator or occupant of a residence or facility.
   PERMIT. The document issued by agencies in incorporated and in unincorporated areas of the county granting authority to erect, alter, replace or tear down structures that are or were residences or places of doing business.
   RESIDENCE. Includes a place of residence, a facility, farm or place of doing business.
   STREET or ROAD. Also includes the use of any of the several thoroughfare designations, is not intended as a locational device. Designations as streets, roads or other thoroughfares are considered interchangeable in §§ 152.15 through 152.21, 152.35 and 152.36.
(BC Ord. 1-1990, passed 6-25-1990)