(A)   For State Board of Accounts called conferences under I.C. 5-11-14-1:
      (1)   Mileage is at the rate determined by the fiscal body. Lodging is the amount equal to a single room rate;
      (2)   Meals/per diem at an amount determined by the fiscal body for meals purchased while attending the conference;
      (3)   Receipt for the meal less any tip the attendee gave; and
      (4)   Paid for out of General Fund unappropriated.
   (B)   For the Department of Local Government finance instructional sessions, it is covered under: I.C. 6-1.1-35-3:
      (1)   Lodging is the amount not less that the lodging allowance equal to the lesser of the cost of a standard room rate at the hotel or the actual cost of lodging paid;
      (2)   Meals/per diem is the amount for each day in attendance not less than the subsistence allowance for meals paid to state employees but not more than the maximum allowance permitted for federal employees. Amount is to be established by the fiscal body;
      (3)   Mileage at a rate to sum paid per mile to state employees. That rate is presently $0.28. The county is paying $0.32 presently, but this is not following statute;
      (4)   Parking expense is the charge at the location of the meeting site; and
      (5)   Paid for out of General Fund unappropriated.
   (C)   For the Department of Local Government finance training sessions, it is covered under I.C. 6-1.1-35.2-3:
      (1)   Per diem per session is set by the DLGF and currently it is $25 per session; and
      (2)   Mileage would be from the attendee’s work location.
   (D)   For the Election Division instructional meetings, it is covered under I.C. 3-6-4.2-14:
      (1)   Per diem is $24 appropriated;
      (2)   Mileage is state rate appropriated;
      (3)   Registration fee is paid from the unappropriated General Fund; and
      (4)   Lodging is equal to lodging allowances provided to state employees. This is $79 outside of Marion County and $83 in Marion County and comes out of appropriated budget for this office.
   (E)   For the Judicial Conference of Indiana Conferences for Judges, it is covered under I.C. 33-38-9-7. State pays for the mileage and lodging for this conference and provides a couple meals a day. Any additional costs or costs not covered by the state would be paid by county in accordance with county travel policy from budgeted funds. They have one mandatory state conference in September and other meetings throughout the year.
   (F)   For the prosecutors, Attorney General’s conference is covered under I.C. 33-39-6-1. Allowable reimbursements are the actual expense of transportation to and from the conference, actual expense of meals, actual expense of lodging and this comes from the prosecutor’s budget appropriated.
(BC Ord. 2004-8, passed 4-14-2004)