§ 39.060 PURPOSE.
   (A)   This subchapter lists the procedures for issuance and usage of credit cards in the name of the county for purchases/expenditures related to the operations of county government.
   (B)   The county is introducing an alternative approach to purchasing products and services through the use of credit cards. A credit card purchase will not replace the normal purchasing procedures, but it will be used in instances where it is not advantageous or cost effective to issue a purchase order.
   (C)   Credit card privileges may be rescinded at any time at the discretion of the County Board of Commissioners and/or County Auditor if policies and/or procedures are not followed. The County Auditor will audit credit card usage and the cardholders will be personally liable for any unauthorized use that occurs on their credit card.
   (D)   These procedures provide the guidelines under which cardholders may utilize their credit card. All cardholders should read the procedures carefully. A cardholder’s signature on the county credit card agreement indicates that the cardholders understand the intent of this process and agree to adhere to the guidelines.
(BC Res. 2014-00010, passed 10-6-2014)