(A)   Blanket bond.
      (1)   Authorization. The county is authorized to purchase, as needed, a blanket bond endorsed to cover the faithful performance of all county employees, commission members and other persons acting on behalf of the county, including, but not limited to, the Auditor, Treasurer, Recorder, Surveyor, Sheriff, Coroner, Assessor, Clerk and individuals who are employees and/or contractors of the county whose official duties include depositing, disbursing or otherwise having access to funds that belong to the federal government, the state, a political subdivision or another governmental entity.
      (2)   Amount of bond.
         (a)   The amount of the blanket bond shall be in the sum of $300,000 per occurrence of coverage, endorsed to include the faithful performance of all elected, appointed or employed individuals as further defined in Exhibit “A”, attached to the ordinance codified herein and made a part hereof.
         (b)   Notwithstanding the foregoing, the State Board of Accounts may fix the amount of an official’s bond or crime policy as prescribed in I.C. 5-14-1-18(h), (i) and (j).
      (3)   Term. The term of the bond shall be for one year beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31, of each year unless an individual’s service date is later than January 1 then, in that instance, the date shall be the first day of the individual’s service to the county.
      (4)   Payee. All bonds must be payable to the state as required by I.C. 5-4-1-10.
      (5)   Recording.
         (a)   All bonds must be filed with the County Recorder and the County Auditor within ten days after their issuance.
         (b)   The County Auditor must submit copies of the bond(s) to the State Board of Accounts electronically via Gateway with his or her annual financial report.
   (B)   Crime insurance policy.
      (1)   Authorization. The county is authorized to purchase, as needed, a crime insurance policy that provides coverage for the criminal acts or omissions committed by officers, employees, contractors, commission members and persons acting on behalf of the local government unit. Such policy must be endorsed to cover the faithful performance of all county employees, Commission members and other persons acting on behalf of the county, including, but not limited to, the Auditor, Treasurer, Recorder, Surveyor, Sheriff, Coroner, Assessor, Clerk and individuals who are employees and/or contractors of the county whose official duties include depositing, disbursing or otherwise having access to funds that belong to the federal government, the state, a political subdivision or another governmental entity.
      (2)   Amount. The State Board of Accounts may fix the amount of a crime policy as prescribed in I.C. 5-4-1-18(h), (i) and (j).
      (3)   Term. The term of the crime insurance shall be for one year beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31, of each year unless an individual’s service date is later than January 1 then, in that instance, the date shall be the first day of the individual’s service to the county.
      (4)   Payee. All crime insurance policies must name the state as additional insured as required by I.C. 5-4-1-18(d).
(CC Ord. 2015-00018, passed 11-9-2015; BC Ord. 2015-00018, passed 11-16-2015)