(A)   (1)   Pursuant to I.C. 36-2-5-3, the county fiscal body shall fix the compensation of officers, deputies and the other employees whose compensation is payable from the County General Fund, County Highway Fund, County Health Fund, County Park and Recreation Fund, Aviation Fund or any other fund from which the County Auditor issues warrants of compensation.
      (2)   This includes the power to:
         (a)   Fix the number of officer, deputies and other employees;
         (b)   Describe and classify positions and services;
         (c)   Adopt schedules of compensation; and
         (d)   Hire and contract with persons to assist in the development of schedules of compensation.
   (B)   In the interest of maintaining a comprehensive compensation structure for the purposes of fulfilling I.C. 36-2-5-3, the County Council has set and adopted a written policy concerning compensation, the most current having been adopted County Council Ord. 2016-0001, which is adopted by reference as if set out in length herein.
   (C)   The County Council retains its legal authorities and duties over all other written policy concerning compensation of county employees and, as outlined by other sections of state law.
   (D)   Position and employee detail are as set by the County Council from time to time.
(CC Ord. passed - -; CC Ord. 2015-00015, passed 8-10-2015; CC Ord. 2015-0020, passed 12-14-2015; CC Ord. 2016-0001, passed 1-11-2016; CC Ord. 2018-002, passed 12-17-2018)