(A)   Charges shall only be made on the credit card to purchase items or services which are included and authorized in the budget of the respective department.
   (B)   The maximum credit limit for each department shall not exceed $1,000 per use.
   (C)   Credit cards shall not carry an annual fee.
   (D)   No credit card issued under the county’s name shall be used for private or other non-county use purchases.
   (E)   Credit cards are to be used strictly for official county purposes. Use of the card should be limited to goods and services which cannot efficiently be purchased by methods such as purchase orders or direct billing.
      (1)   The following expenses are allowed with prior Commissioner approval:
         (a)   Motel/hotel expenses and guarantee of reservations;
         (b)   Meals associated with conferences and authorized “away from station” travel expenses;
         (c)   Airline reservations;
         (d)   Car rental;
         (e)   Registration fees;
         (f)   Fuel for county trips; and
         (g)   County vehicle expense for repair of vehicle exceeding $1,000.
      (2)   The following expenses are allowed without prior approval:
         (a)   County vehicle expenses, including vehicle repair less than $1,000; and
         (b)   Meals associated with transport of prisoners.
   (F)   Within 72 hours of the purchase, the person using the credit card shall provide the County Auditor with a copy of the purchase receipt.
   (G)   To avoid late fees and finance charges, department head/elected officials are responsible for timely submission of credit card statements with original, detailed itemized receipts for each charge on the statement to the Auditor’s office. Charges not accompanied with a receipt will be the responsibility of the employee and may be withheld from the employee’s wages. Repeated occurrences of untimely submission of statements and receipts may result in suspension or cancellation of card privileges as deemed necessary by the Board of Commissioners or department head/elected official.
   (H)   Employees who have county credit cards in their possession shall be responsible for protecting the cards from unauthorized use. Lost or stolen cards shall be immediately reported to the Auditor, so the proper procedure can be followed to cancel the card.
   (I)   Any points, cash back, rewards or other benefits earned on a county credit card accounts are to be redeemed strictly for county purposes.
   (J)   Any employee charging through the credit card system is responsible for communicating the sales tax exempt status of the county to the vendor. Any tax charged due to failure of the employee to arrange for tax exempt status will be the responsibility of the employee.
(BC Ord. 2018-002, passed 3-5-2018)