(A)   There is created a Holiday Dinner and Flower Fund by the Auditor of the county.
   (B)   The use of said fund(s) shall be limited to subsidizing an annual holiday dinner at Christmas time to benefit county employees and purchase of flowers for county employees who are seriously ill, deceased or on the occasion of a family members’ death, or for any other purpose that benefits county employees as the Board of Commissioners may from time to time authorize by resolution.
   (C)   The profits, if any, from the vending machines located at the courthouse, highway garage and other location so identified by the Board of Commissioners, shall be deposited into the Holiday Dinner and Flower Fund(s) and expended pursuant to division (B) above.
   (D)   Nothing in this section creates an employment benefit for county employees, but instead expresses the desire of the Board of Commissioners to use the profits, if any, from the aforementioned vending machines in a manner that benefits all county employees.
(BC Ord. 1999-30, passed 7-26-1999)