(A)   Any license issued by the city pursuant to the provisions of this chapter may be revoked by the Board of Aldermen for any of the following reasons, as well as for any other reasons specified in this chapter:
      (1)   Any failure to comply with, or any violation of any provisions of this chapter, or any other ordinance of the city regulating the business, occupation, or activity licensed, or the statutes of the state by any licensee;
      (2)   Violation of the terms and conditions upon which the license was issued;
      (3)   Failure of the licensee to pay any tax or obligation due to the city;
      (4)   Any misrepresentation or false statement in the application for a license required herein; and/or
      (5)   Failure to display the license required herein.
   (B)   Revocation of any license shall be in addition to any other penalty or penalties which may be imposed pursuant to these provisions.
(Prior Code, § 605.090)