(A)   No license or permit authorized or required under any ordinance of the city shall hereafter be issued by the city, or any official thereof, to any person, firm, association, or corporation until all city personal taxes and merchant’s taxes of the applicant for such license or permit, which are past due and in default, have been paid; provided however, this section shall not apply to such taxes as shall, as of the date of application for such license or permit, have been barred by the statute of limitation.
   (B)   It shall be the duty of the City Collector, the City Clerk, and such other officers of the city as are authorized to issue licenses or permits, to establish and promulgate rules and regulations relative to an orderly method of checking unpaid personal taxes and merchant’s taxes in order to determine the amounts thereof due and owing to the city, by any such applicant. All officers and departments of the city shall assist and cooperate with the City Collector, City Clerk, and such other officers in carrying out the intent of this section.
   (C)   Driver’s licenses, dog licenses, and bicycle licenses, if any now or hereafter required by ordinance, are hereby expressly excepted from the provisions of this section and as to such driver’s licenses, dog licenses, and bicycle licenses, the provisions of this section shall not apply.
(Prior Code, § 605.015) (Ord. 127, passed 8-5-1968)