(A) A permit must be issued by the Superintendent prior to the start of construction or modification of equipment subject to this subchapter.
(B) An air gap’s discharge pipe shall terminate a minimum of two pipe diameters of the discharge pipe above the flood level rim of the receiving vessel. In no case shall the distance be less than one inch.
(C) A reduced-pressure principle assembly shall not be installed upstream of a fire pump.
(D) Reduced-pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed with no plug or additional piping affixed to the pressure differential relief valve port, except for specifically designed funnel apparatus available from the manufacturer, and with the pressure differential relief valve port a minimum of 12 inches above floor level. Additionally, the assembly shall be installed at a location where any leakage from the pressure differential relief valve port will be noticed, that allows easy access to the assembly for maintenance and testing, and that will not subject the assembly to flooding, excessive heat, or freezing.
(E) Each backflow assembly shall be installed at a location that allows easy access to the assembly for maintenance and testing and that will not subject the assembly to excessive heat or freezing.
(F) Only those models of double-check valve assemblies and reduced-pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies which are on the approved list maintained by the state’s Department of Natural Resources are acceptable.
(G) Backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed on the customer water system inside the wall immediately after the meter, where the customer service line enters the building, but in all cases before the first branch, except where such placement would violate the requirement of division (C) above. Any deviations from this shall be approved in advance by the Superintendent.
(H) No bypass piping shall be allowed around a backflow prevention assembly unless the bypass is equipped with the same level of protection.
(Ord. 357, passed 4-1-2006)