The Superintendent of Maintenance of the waterworks system shall administer this subchapter. The Superintendent shall designate by regulation the types of premises that generally will require a backflow device under this subchapter and shall issue any other regulations necessary to carry out the requirements of this subchapter. The Superintendent shall mail written notice to customers whose premises fall within the designated categories in accordance with a schedule set forth in the regulations. Each notice shall give the owner of the premises a reasonable time period in which to install a backflow device, or to provide evidence to the Superintendent that the particular premises does not require a backflow device under this subchapter. The owner may, within the allowed time frame, request a hearing before the Superintendent. The Superintendent may request additional evidence and may inspect the premises before making a final decision. The Superintendent will notify the owner of his or her final decision on the necessity of a backflow prevention assembly for the particular premises. If a device is required, the owner must install the device within 90 days of the date of the Superintendent’s final decision. If the owner has not installed the device or commenced judicial action for review of the Superintendent’s decision within the 90-day period, the Superintendent may terminate water and sewer service to the premises.
(Ord. 357, passed 4-1-2006)