Section 10.03(C)(3) of the Ohio Basic Code is amended to read as follows:
   (3)   As used in divisions (C)(1) and (C)(2) of this section, LEGAL HOLIDAY means the following days:
      (a)   New Year's Day (first day of January);
      (b)   Martin Luther King Day (third Monday of January);
      (c)   Presidents' Day (third Monday in February or as declared by Congress);
      (d)   Memorial Day (last Monday in May);
      (e)   Independence Day (fourth day of July);
      (f)   Labor Day (first Monday in September);
      (g)   Thanksgiving Day (as declared by the President of the U.S.);
      (h)   Christmas Eve (½ day on the 24th of December);
      (i)   Christmas Day (25th of December); and
      (j)   New Year's Eve (½ day of the 31st of December).
(Ord. 2016-6, passed - - )