The City Council may approve an interim use permit, pursuant to chapter 5 of this title, use of off-site parking facilities provided that the following conditions are met:
   A.   Compliance: Off site parking shall be developed and maintained in compliance with all requirements and standards of this title.
   B.   Access: Reasonable access from off site parking facilities to the use being served shall be provided.
   C.   Location:
      1.   Off site parking for multiple-family dwellings shall not be located more than one hundred feet (100') from any normally used entrance of the principal use served.
      2.   Off site parking for nonresidential uses shall not be located more than three hundred feet (300') from the main public entrance of the principal use being served.
   D.   Utilization: Any use which depends upon off site parking to meet the requirements of this chapter shall maintain ownership and parking utilization of the off site location until such time as on site parking is provided or a site in closer proximity to the principal use is acquired and developed for parking.
   E.   Ownership: Except as provided for by subsection F of this section, the site used for meeting the off site parking requirements of this chapter shall be under the same ownership as the principal use being served or under public ownership.
   F.   Lease: Compliance with off street parking requirements provided through leased off street parking may be approved by the City Council, subject to the following conditions:
      1.   The lease shall specify the total number and location of parking stalls under contract, and this number, when added to any on site parking required, must be equal to the total number of parking stalls required.
      2.   The lease instrument shall legally bind all parties to the lease and provide for amendment or cancellation only upon written approval from the City.
      3.   The lease agreement shall incorporate a release of liability and any other provisions, as recommended by the City Attorney, that are deemed necessary to ensure compliance with the intent of this chapter.
   G.   Signage: No advertising sign or material is to be located on the property where the parking lot is located. (Ord. 2019-04, 2-11-2019)