The Zoning Administrator may allow a reduction in the number of required off street parking stalls for commercial, industrial, institutional, and multiple-family uses by administrative permit in accordance with chapter 8 of this title.
   A.   The proposed use will have a peak parking demand less than the required parking under section 11-21-8 of this chapter. Factors to be considered when reviewing the proposed parking demand shall include, but not be limited to:
      1.   Size of building, or number of dwelling units and number of bedrooms per dwelling unit.
      2.   Type and use.
      3.   Number of employees or residents.
      4.   Projected volume and turnover of customer traffic.
      5.   Projected frequency and volume of delivery or service vehicles.
      6.   Number of company owned vehicles.
      7.   Storage of vehicles on site.
   B.   In no case shall the amount of parking provided be less than one-half (1/2) of the number of parking stalls required by this chapter.
   C.   The site has sufficient property under the same ownership to accommodate the expansion of the parking facilities to meet the minimum requirements of this chapter if the parking demand exceeds on site supply.
   D.   Parking shall only occur in areas designed and constructed for parking in accordance with this chapter.
   E.   The applicant and City enter into a development agreement, to be recorded against the subject property, which includes a clause requiring the owner to install the additional parking stalls, upon a finding of the Zoning Administrator that such additional parking stalls are necessary to accommodate the use.
   F.   A change of use will necessitate compliance with the applicable zoning ordinance standard for parking. (Ord. 2019-04, 2-11-2019)