(A)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to assure that buildings in commercial and industrial areas of the city will be of high quality in both visual and functional terms. To that end, this section identifies permitted building materials which are durable and long-lasting and which generally present a more attractive visual appearance than less durable materials.
   (B)   Application. The provisions of this section shall apply to all new structures including additions or remodeling and to all new developments within all zoned districts within the city.
   (C)   Exterior elevation. Exterior elevation drawings of the proposed structure must be submitted which will accurately indicate the height, size, design, and appearance of all elevations of the proposed structure. A description of the construction materials to be used must also be submitted.
   (D)   Architectural design. The exterior architectural appearance of the proposed structure shall not be so at variance with the exterior architectural appearance of existing structures within the immediate area, or with the intended character of the applicable zoning districts, taking into consideration building materials, size, shape, and heights, so as to cause an adverse impact upon property values in the immediate area, or the city as a whole, or adversely affect the public health, safety, and general welfare of the portion of the city in which the property is located or the city as a whole. All additions or remodeling shall be compatible in scale, material, and massing.
   (E)   Permitted materials. Structural systems of all buildings shall be as required by the State Building Code.
      (1)   Exterior building materials shall not be so at variance with the exterior materials of existing structures within the immediate area or the city as a whole as to adversely impact the property values in the affected area or the city as a whole, or adversely affect the public health, safety, and general welfare.
      (2)   Exterior building finishes shall consist of materials comparable in grade and quality to the following:
         (a)   Brick;
         (b)   Natural stone;
         (c)   Precast concrete units and concrete block, provided that surfaces are molded, serrated, or treated with a textured material in order to give the wall surface a three-dimensional character;
         (d)   Wood, provided surfaces are finished for exterior use and only woods of proven exterior durability are used, such as cedar, redwood, and cypress;
         (e)   Fiberglass and aluminum (non-structural, non-load bearing), provided these panels are factory-fabricated and finished with a permanent durable non-fade surface and their fasteners are of a corrosion-resistant design; and provided further that no more than one-third of the wall surface abutting a public street, or adjacent to a residential or public area, consists of this type of panels. The requirement of no more than one-third of the wall surface being covered by the aforementioned materials may be permitted if it can be shown that the building is screened by other means such as berming, plantings, or other proposals that may be submitted by the builder; or
         (f)   Glass curtain wall panels.
   (F)   Prohibited materials.
      (1)   Face materials which rapidly deteriorate or become unsightly, such as galvanized metal, unfinished structural clay tile, and metal panels not factory finished with a permanent surface;
      (2)   Buildings comprised exclusively of metal;
      (3)   (a)   Pole buildings, defined as follows.
         (b)   For the purpose of this section, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
            POLE BUILDING. Any building using wood or metal poles as a principal structural support where those supports are not affixed to a floor slab but inserted directly into the ground to achieve alignment and bearing capability.
      (4)   Sheet metal, plastic, or fiberglass siding, unless that siding is a component of a factory fabricated and finished panel.
(1997 Code, § 25.08) (Ord. passed 11-14-1994) Penalty, see § 10.99