(A)   False alarm reports. The Chief of Police or Fire Chief may, at his or her discretion, require a false alarm report to be filed by the alarm user with the Police or Fire Department, within a time period to be specified by the Chief of Police or Fire Chief. If the Chief of Police or Fire Chief determines that a false alarm has occurred at an address, the alarm user at that address may submit a written report to the Chief of Police or Fire Chief to explain the cause of the alarm activation. If the Chief of Police or Fire Chief determines that the alarm was caused by conditions beyond the control of the alarm user, the alarm will not be counted as a false alarm at that address.
   (B)   Installation and testing. False alarms will be excused if they are the result of an effort or order to upgrade, install, test, or maintain an alarm system and if the Police or Fire Department is given notice in advance of that upgrade, installation, test, or maintenance.
(1997 Code, § 40.04)