(A)   Permitted areas. Because of the predominantly residential character of the city and the relatively small size of the commercially zoned areas resulting in the potential for conflicting uses, special events will be permitted within the city only after a finding by the city that the character of the proposed special event is compatible with the character of the surrounding neighborhood, considering the possible creation of problems including noise, lighting, traffic, sanitation, congestion, and other factors affecting the public health, safety, and welfare of such areas, in addition to compliance with all ordinances of this city and applicable statutes and regulations.
   (B)   Permit conditions. The city may condition the issuance of a special event permit by imposing reasonable conditions concerning the time, place, and manner of the special event, and such conditions as are necessary to protect the safety of persons and property, and the control of traffic, provided that such conditions shall not unreasonably restrict the right of free speech. The city may inspect the property upon which the special event is to be held prior to the event in order to make certain there is compliance with all permit conditions. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to:
      (1)   Alteration of the date(s), time(s), route(s), or location of the special event proposed;
      (2)   Elimination of an activity at the special event which cannot be mitigated to a point as to ensure public safety and welfare, or which causes liability to the city;
      (3)   Requirements concerning the area of assembly and disbanding of a parade or other events occurring along a route;
      (4)   Requirements concerning the accommodation of pedestrian or vehicular traffic, including restricting the special event to only a portion of the street or right-of-way;
      (5)   Requirements for the use of special services;
      (6)   Requirements for the use of traffic cones or barricades;
      (7)   Requirements for the provision of first aid or sanitary facilities;
      (8)   Requirements for the use of special event monitors and the providing of notice of the special event's permit conditions to the event participants;
      (9)   Requirements on the number and type of vehicles, animals, or structures to be allowed at the special event, and the inspection and approval of floats, structures, and decorated vehicles by the city for safety purposes;
      (10)   Compliance with animal protection ordinances and laws;
      (11)   Requirements for the use of garbage containers and the cleanup and restoration of any public property;
      (12)   Restrictions on the use of amplified sound, public address systems, and the playing of music and musical instruments, and compliance with noise ordinances, regulations, and laws;
      (13)   Limitations on the maximum attendance;
      (14)   Requirements on the number of security personnel;
      (15)   Requiring notice of the special event be provided to surrounding property owners; and
      (16)   Restrictions on the sale or consumption of food or alcohol.
   (C)   Permit issuance. When a special event will not require any special services or does not require a significant amount of special services, the City Administrator may issue the special event permit administratively. In cases where a special event requires a significant amount of special services, the application will be presented to the City Council for approval.
(Ord. 2018-1, passed 4-9-2018)