(A)   The town hereby establishes the following rules and regulations regarding the use of the town community center.
      (1)   Use of the town community center shall be made available to the public, including organizations, groups, corporations, businesses, entities, and individuals, with priority use being given to town civic groups. However, the town reserves the right to prohibit specific uses of said facility and shall have the final decision regarding a proposed use.
      (2)   All renters shall be responsible and liable for any damage or waste to the premises, any equipment therein, and fixtures used during the term of said use, and shall be required to return said premises to the town in a clean and satisfactory condition. Should damage or waste occur, or cleaning of the premises be necessary, said renter shall be responsible for all costs associated therewith.
      (3)   Nothing may be affixed to the walls or ceilings of the community center, either with tape, thumbtacks, glue, or any other means of affixing substances.
      (4)   Use of alcoholic beverages upon and within said premises shall be prohibited.
      (5)   Smoking and other use of any tobacco products within said premises shall be prohibited.
      (6)   Said premises are available for use between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.
      (7)   Renters shall return possession of the premises to the town at the expiration of his or her term with all appliances, lights, and water faucets turned off, and shall be responsible for shutting and locking all doors and windows. Renters shall drop the keys in the town drop box or return them to the Clerk-Treasurer’s office.
      (8)   The charges for use of the town community center are as follows:
         (a)   Use of the town community center by any civic, charitable, religious, educational, or not-for-profit organization shall be free of charge, unless said organization or group uses said facilities for the purposes of raising funds or for profit-making purposes, in which instance charges for said use shall be based on the charges set forth below;
         (b)   Other for-profit groups, organizations, businesses, or individuals shall pay for the use of said town community center the sum of $20 per hour or $50 per day, whichever sum is smaller;
         (c)   Any not-for-profit or community organization which desires to use the building may contribute community service in exchange for paying the rental therefor; and
         (d)   The town may pursue any legal recourse to collect for damages to the community center.
      (9)   All renters shall provide their own supplies including, but not limited to, coffee, tea, creamer, paper products, napkins, paper plates, table coverings, decorations, trash bags and cleaning supplies.
      (10)   The town shall provide whatever dishware, silverware, pots and pans, and cooking utensils available as part of the rental for said building.
   (B)   Said community center may be reserved or rented by contacting the Clerk-Treasurer. The Clerk-Treasurer is hereby authorized to execute a rental agreement therefor on behalf of the town.
(Ord. 1996-4, passed 2-20-1996; Ord. 2017-11, passed 12-19-2017)