1. Every secondhand goods dealer, except professional numismatists and philatelists, shall keep records in which said dealer shall accurately, intelligently and legibly enter, in the English language, at the time of purchasing or receiving any article or item:
A. The value of the article;
B. The amount paid for the article;
C. The description of the article;
D. The article’s serial number and model number, if any;
E. The name of the person from whom the article is purchased or received, said person’s residence address, social security number, age and physical description. Such information shall be supported by proper identification.
F. The date, time, and place of the transaction.
2. Every secondhand goods dealer, except professional numismatists and philatelists, shall also record the date of disposition of said article or any part or portion thereof and to whom it was disposed or redeemed, including said person’s address. Said disposition report shall be located in the same book and at the same place where the receiving records for said articles are located.
3. The records shall, at all times, be open to examination by any police officer and shall be kept on file for six (6) months.
4. Any person who fails to keep such records, or fails to make the required entries therein, or intentionally or knowingly makes any false or unintelligible entry, or makes any entry which said person has reason to believe is untrue, or any person who fails to make the inquiries necessary to enable such entries to be made or who fails to produce such records when requested by an officer having authority to examine them, or who destroys or negligently permits such records to be destroyed or lost, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
5. The following provisions are applicable to professional numismatists and philatelists:
A. Whenever any peace officer has knowledge of stolen coins or stamps, said officer shall provide a list of such coins and stamps to professional numismatists and philatelists. In the event such coins or stamps are presented for sale to any numismatist or philatelist having such list, said person shall attempt to obtain the identity of the seller and notify the Police Chief.
B. Any professional numismatist or philatelist having reason to suspect the authenticity of an attempted sale of coins or stamps shall promptly notify the Police Chief and shall attempt to obtain the identity of the seller.