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On the fifty anniversary of the effective date of the franchise, the Council may require a review of the franchise, subject to the following:
1.   Any such review shall be open to the public and announced in the official City newspaper. The City shall notify the community of the time and place of review sessions by such announcement in the official City newspaper.
2.   The topics to be discussed at any scheduled review session will include (but will not be limited to) franchise fees, free or discounted services, application of new technologies, system performance, services provided, programming offered, customer complaints, privacy, amendments to this chapter, judicial and FCC rulings, line extension policies and existing or prospective rules or regulations of the Grantee or the City. Topics to be discussed at any scheduled review session also may include the issue of whether or not a legitimate community need exists to justify the implementation of an educational and governmental channel.
3.   Members of the general public may add topics by requesting of the City that such topics be added to the agenda of its meeting.
4.   During a review of evaluation by the Council, the Grantee shall fully cooperate with the City and shall provide such non-confidential information and documents as the City may need to reasonably perform the review.